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  1. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Here's a couple I found with a quick search.
  2. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Knotty, you simply cannot claim a great number of "practical" climbs in your Pheonix apartment complex trees while at the same time saying, "I've never pretended to be a tree worker." just does not fly here. Tree work is what defines practical in the minds of most of us.
  3. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Or maybe you're not really understanding the complicated machinations one must manage when you are working a tree, rather than playing at it. This is not a slap at you, but it is a reminder that for all your experience, it still is theoretical rather than practical, as @Maximalist so clearly...
  4. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Read the words, Knotty..."blind", not "bind".
  5. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    IF you can see it. Never had to deal with a biner blind?
  6. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    A well-respected maker of solid mountaineering gear. Should hold up to the task, I would guess.
  7. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Fast is right! I'd still be pulling if it was one of my USFS Warns :D.
  8. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    That's certainly not in the dynamic range, for traditional values.'s on the low end, but accurate in my view. Colorful, it surely is...but pretty? Maybe a little less so :D. Seen plenty of ropes that are worse looking.
  9. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I think I have seen them with hi-viz stripes on them, somewhere. In my work world, that was never a need.
  10. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    There has never, ever been a more comfortable, longer wearing, workplace appropriate garment than a proper hickory shirt. I wish you many a happy year with it, John @lxskllr. Prison Blues makes good stuff at decent prices, so it should be a great shirt.
  11. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

  12. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Best wishes.
  13. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    @Mellow You must have a locking tailgate handle, I expect?
  14. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    They are sewn in such a way as to tear out in a controlled manner, reducing shock to your climbing system, say if a fall occurs from a tie in point failure that is arrested on a lower branch.
  15. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    We all can tell this without even trying. Get a clue, you will not fool this crowd with bs.
  16. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    So you just ignore that in your accounting of your awesome income production, eh? Wish I could do that.
  17. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Seems you and Mick agree :).
  18. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I'm not hating, I'm just saying you are mistaken when you make a blanket statement like that :). As is @WoodCutr. It is bs because whether or not you find a lower or higher D location to be more comfortable is largely dependent on how your own body balances, i.e. more weight up higher or down...
  19. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Or nostalgic for the proper use of a lanyard for spur climbing, perhaps ;). Your comment that hip D's are not ergonomic is complete bs.
  20. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    How can you tell which cutting yesterday is causing today's back pain?