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  1. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Cast quite a few bullets the other day,loaded up 48 rounds because that's all the cases I have. Using only 6 grains of VV 320 I will get 1288 loads from a pound of powder.
  2. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Close up picture of the Lee,after a detail clean and stock oil.
  3. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Winchester 1873 in 44/40. This was made in 1875 and retailed in London. A fine Lee Speed by Bonehill in Birmingham. Chambered in 303 British,proof marks indicate pre 1914. This Rifle is a real gem in my collection. Hope to get out hunting with one or both some day.
  4. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    But different,this time the laws will work!
  5. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Boy I bet that thing could split a Hare
  6. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Had my .22 threaded for a can
  7. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Open sighted,single shot .22 That is how marksman are made.
  8. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Thats really bad.
  9. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    This is my " Brown Bess" flintlock musket. It is a sea pattern gun,so it would have been on board a sailing ship. I shoot with it now and again,it's a fun way to tempt non gun people into trying a gun for the first time. This one dates from 1820
  10. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    That is a good idea. They have woman's range days here too,they are quite popular.
  11. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    What is the occasion?
  12. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Rifling on the left is "Micro groove" the right is regular cut rifling. They say the best barrel length for accuracy in a .22 is between 14 and 16" and the entire powder charge is combusted after about 8".Curiously most .22 target ammo exits the muzzle of a pistol at subsonic speeds. Years ago...
  13. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    How often do you clean the bore on your .22? I have been shooting 30 years and can't remember cleaning a single bore.You probably know this but .22 bullets are externally lubricated which negates the need for cleaning by and large.
  14. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Good enough,Tasco makes decent scopes.
  15. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    I spoke with my Father this evening. He shot a competition over the weekend,shot 107 straight ( first barrel) 13 second barrel ,thats out of 120 targets so he didnt drop a single clay. But that performance didn't even see him on the podium out of 150 shooters. He is 77 years of age.
  16. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    With a weapon that throws a pattern the size of a dustbin lid. At a target that presents on demand. Most of my pistol shooting is done one handed.The target presents itself for 5 seconds,you must raise the gun shoot and lower it before the target rotates back.Its called duel,you can probably...
  17. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    "If ya can't put 10 in the 10 ring at 30 yards, you should buy yer self a shotgun"
  18. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    I have to wonder about the real world effectiveness of sub-compact pistols? I have shot Caniks before and they were ok if you like that sort of thing.. However strolling around with a gun like the one pictured makes me wonder how long it would take to get it into action from a pocket unless your...
  19. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    That looks horrible to be quite honest.
  20. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Thank you. No that is standing unsupported. Good idea! Keeping your reloading gear in the house is smart. Primers and powder dont like big tempreature variations.