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  1. flushcut


    WD 40 is good lube for cutting aluminum.
  2. flushcut


    WD-40 = water displacement formula 40. I believe it was originally made for drying electrical components. It is thin and can creep into tight seized bolts/nuts so that’s why folks think it’s a lubricant but WD40 has very little lubricating properties beyond the first squirt. Spray a ball bearing...
  3. flushcut

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Keep a 16” adjustable lady slipper pry bar in the lift. Handy!
  4. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Hotsaws101? I’ll let somebody else make that cut.
  5. flushcut

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    I buy the cheap Forester carbide blades for my swing saw. Tho I’ve been eyeing up this mini sized forestry mower. That only needs 14 gpm to operate and eats 8” wood.
  6. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    No, act of nature kinda thing. But it is what it is. You can either get pissed off about it or take time to smell the roses and enjoy the adventure, still faster than driving.
  7. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    Woke up at 3am so the family could get picked at 4am. Made it to the first flight but got delayed forty minutes due to weather. So we missed our second flight in Phoenix AZ by five minutes, so here we sit playing Uno at gate A11. It could be worse I guess.
  8. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    I’m beat, 6am- 9pm. And now more shits coming or so I’m told. But I’m leaving in the morning with the family to Anaheim CA for a week. Night night!
  9. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    I shall neither confirm nor deny the legitimacy of this meme. :shifty:
  10. flushcut

    HIGHLINE Redwood Logging

    You should make your way over to Montana and hang with BigTwig he just got a yarder.
  11. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Up side is 14 calls before noon all estimates ran and 3 of those 14 are done, nine to hit tomorrow sun up sun down kinda thing. The area got hammered pretty good.
  12. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Tornado watch, again.
  13. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Too many cheat days. And a food supply that is full of chemical shit that is banned in many other countries.
  14. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Stig does not approve of this message.
  15. flushcut

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Hemlocks are cool if you are thinking replacing.
  16. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Upped 80’s humid sunny. Not really enjoyable.
  17. flushcut

    Cleaning a chipper radiator

    I use a pressure washer but not a high power one under 1000 psi, compressed air, and leaf blower.
  18. flushcut

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I don’t know if I have posted this before, but it’s a good one.
  19. flushcut

    Father’s Day Splicing

    Try a rubber mallet and a quick snap/sharp tug/pull on the eye. That might help even things out.
  20. flushcut

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Too bad it’s only rated at 2000 pounds capacity. Lol