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  1. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @Maximalist Do you own your own tree removal business or do you work for someone (private or government entity)? You seem to do mostly public space trees. Does the government contract out that type of work to private enterprises?
  2. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @treebilly Looks like silver maple?
  3. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @Tree09 Glad to see you got a tree to play with. I know you were missing it.
  4. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Looking nice! SRT with one high TIP?
  5. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah, too many whales who don’t know got to swim.
  6. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    The V8 certainly has a good quantity of sodium!
  7. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I like those LMNT’s.
  8. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I was definitely drinking every 1/2 hr alternating between water and body armors (electrolytes). Still, after 4 hrs of the sun beating down on me, I needed to cool myself. I was fine afterwards though.
  9. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I did Florida when in my 20’s. I didn’t mind 95* with 70+ humidity for 7 months straight. I’d probably deal with a dry heat better but would rather not contend with heat at all.
  10. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    John and I removed a white pine. Only one tip tie rig had to happen. Rest all just dropped. Chips stay on site and rounds bucked and left on site. It was HOT! This heat in August isn’t so bad (comparatively) but it’s harder to adapt in June. When I couldn’t remember the model number of the saw I...
  11. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @Tree09 Kyle, Kavey will need you to make a couple shop drawings to explain your ideas in detail. ;)
  12. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I’m glad I looked before typing the same thing! What’s on the back?!
  13. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Secure the tree and climb it to de limb, then maybe pull the trunk sideways or backwards
  14. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Dang right! Probably 7 hrs aloft. When I came down I said I need a break so I’ll run the chipper. Just needed different type of attention and muscle movements.
  15. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    John and I did some “blow” downs. They blew down without much wind. Leaning red oak too close to a stream had root rot so it let go and sent a 100’ poplar into (2) 70’ polars and a 100’ beech. TIP was 120’ up another poplar as well as on the beech. Had to move the beech tie in 3 times so the...
  16. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Different kind of work. Neighbor had a 22’ flatbed with a very capable winch. We cleared a dual blowdown across a creek. Root plate intermingled and the large ash co dom was above the walnut. Of course John was there! Thank you John! We managed to get a 16” x22’ black walnut log out. And quite a...
  17. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I’d be comfortable with a healthy white oak, wrist size union, loaded in compression. Even more so if it would catch in another union a few feet down. Or, if it was through other unions as well. Certainly wouldn’t do that on a willow or poplar or anything dead. Not that I’m anybody or have in...
  18. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah, it’s crazy about the mortgage thing. Then again, the banks aren’t going to suffer.
  19. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That was my first thought.
  20. Treeaddict

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @Maximalist What sport is that? Do you throw the sticks?