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  1. Mick!

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    No, they’re not very nice for the modern palate apparently. Re. The article, I had read somewhere that they were an importance source of vitamin C in medieval Europe, before oranges and other stuff started appearing.
  2. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I'd LOVE to hear his explanation of how that works. There's a video floating around of a trailered boat with 20L of fuel in it, and hazmat doing cleanup cause the guy 'filled the tank' by sticking the pump in an oarlock(or some random hole in the gunwale) :^D edit: I think it was 200L. The...
  3. lxskllr

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Have you ever eaten one? Is it worth the effort to try growing a tree?
  4. lxskllr

    The Biking Thread

    What kind of price is $99?! You expect that kind of nonsense from MBAs that have their heads so far up their asses it would take the jaws of life to free them, but not a normal person working from their homes.
  5. davidwyby


    In the bonfire From a distance
  6. Mick!

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    There’s a few medlars around here in hedgerows and suchlike. With an actual dogs arse as a bonus.
  7. flushcut

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    So this might not be a joke but I found it funny. We were coming back from my nieces high school graduation party today and stopped at a gas station. I look over and see a car overheating and steam coming from the front of the car. The guy pops the hood and and pulls out a jug of coolant. Now...
  8. SkwerI


    Many spray cans will have a small black mark on the top rim. That is lined up with the pickup tube at the bottom of the can. Aim your nozzle in line with the black mark and as long as you are tipping the can forward slightly you can spray until it is empty. If you need to spray in an upward...
  9. Treeaddict

    The Biking Thread

    @cory glad to hear you’re on your bike a lot! When it comes to other biking acknowledgment in my area, it is hit or mess. Most people will acknowledge you, but if not, make sure to acknowledge them. Maybe this can raise their awareness. I drop my kids off between two family members homes so I...
  10. Treeaddict

    How'd it go today?

    When my wife and I bought our house, we said we’d die here because we weren’t moving again. We each had a previous house (and rentals) before we knew each other so we knew how bad moving was. Long distance moves are the worst. I can’t imagine changing countries!
  11. cory

    The Biking Thread

    I dig appointments by bike- major-league killing of 2 birds with one stone. Traffic in suburbia kinda sucks and yes you could get squished by a poor driver of which there are many, but it's still worth it. Btw, it's almost funny, most bike riders (80%) you meet headed in opposite direction...
  12. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    It was always a challenge for me to pack my climbing gear to fly somewhere to put on a training workshop. Just the stuff I would need for myself to climb and work was not too bad, but add in the multiples, duplicates, and various alternatives that I would use for instructing a full...
  13. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I packed most of two suitcases and two boxes so far. I think I overestimated how many boxes I will need. Good thing I kept the receipts for once. Here's my primary suitcase (harness, Rope Runner Pro, Wrench/tether, best carabiners, 200' Drenaline, my GoPro/plus batteries, pulleys, rigging...
  14. Nutball


    It's too inconvenient unless you can use it at that particular angle. Otherwise you run out of propellant in the mean time. I often have trouble with starting fluid cans that aren't nearly full. I have to shake while spraying, or tip up & spray to prime the tube, the tip it into the intake and...
  15. Knotorious

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    That was so fun to read! Thanks for contributing!
  16. Knotorious

    I (Think/Hope) I Developed A New Hitch Design

    Here's a quick (7 min) video I made all about a retrievable Spar Anchor for MRS/DRT! Let me know what you think! =-D
  17. CurSedVoyce


    If there is a tiny bit left with a little pressure, they are fun targets at the range.
  18. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  19. lxskllr

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    An interesting fruit(tree)...
  20. lxskllr

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Heh... I guess it technically meets the definition of "portable" :^D Nice piece of equipment.