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  • Users: Tree09
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  1. Tree09


    No i didn't notice that.....
  2. Tree09


    I've made those with pipe a bunch, you weld a plate or something on in a few spots, sometimes they just do 1 at the top center. They usually either mount them on a wall or attach them to a column beam, but some have a stand and base too. Extra points if you make the base heavy enough that it is...
  3. Tree09


    With far more grace and beauty than my pale ass flailing would be too :lol:
  4. Tree09


    I think i would prefer that to the ice water thing tho 🤣
  5. Tree09


    Yeah i didn't know that before, and then we were working down a small city street that was torn up for new utilities. Come quitting time the guy in the 450 just whipped it around, and I'm stuck doing the Austin powers turnaround lol.
  6. Tree09


    Let's say you're gonna hit a bump, with a shorter wheelbase your truck will angle up more, and you'll feel it more. Same with steering, the longer the less responsive it is, so you don't have to work as hard to keep it straight. It's a lower sensitivity to adjustments, so it's easier to keep...
  7. Tree09


    The longer the wheelbase the better! I've known pipeline welders that would get a quad cab and long bed, and then cut the frame off just past the shackles to make it shorter, and then run a flatbed or custom one. That way they had the long wheelbase for driving long distance but overall it was...
  8. Tree09


    Yup, which is why cab overs aren't that common over here. Easier to work on too
  9. Tree09


    Why is the guy filming that close to the road???!!!!
  10. Tree09


    If they were that desperate i don't see why someone didn't just cut it down themselves?
  11. Tree09


    There's always a doubting wife there to film it and scream :lol: what in the world was the crowd of people one? That was nuts
  12. Tree09


    I've really noticed that with the younger guys, they didn't grow up around analog clocks, let alone rotary phones :lol: My wife was talking to our 6 year old son the other day and explaining how all the electronic things they take for granted weren't even invented when we were kids, so he said...
  13. Tree09


    Saved by the kids, Santa's gonna reward that!
  14. Tree09


    Or rigging it all in place. Lotta work
  15. Tree09


    Because you had fire :lol:
  16. Tree09


    She doesn't seem too happy about making more leopards..... :lol:
  17. Tree09


    Oh i get that it happens to the best of us too, I'm just thinking that there's so many recording stuff and that's why all these fails are caught on video. When I'm working on anything I'm focused on my work, not if the camera has a good angle. It's a huge distraction right when they're...
  18. Tree09


    That's a good way to put it.
  19. Tree09


    I wonder how many of these happen without someone filming? I'm starting to think the more likely you are to film yourself the more likely shits about to go sideways. I've been working since i was 12 and i never once thought "i really wish someone was filming this excellence right now!" :lol:
  20. Tree09

