Recent content by treebilly

  1. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Bought a new to me “tool” yesterday. Nine years old but only 180 miles. It has pushed snow a few times and putted around his five acre yard since new. I really want his place but it sold yesterday as well and was a little out of my price range. Slightly over a half million. Beautiful house...
  2. treebilly

    In The News...

    I just know that I ain’t letting my daughter go to Mexico unless I’m going too.
  3. treebilly

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Brace the crack shut and then cable? Personally I’d cut it out and start over
  4. treebilly

    In The News...

    I’d be leery even before this. Not remembering what your daughter looks like but I do remember that people south of the border are quite fond of blond hair on females. Mexico is rather large so certain areas are probably much worse than others
  5. treebilly

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Multiple cables at different elevations maybe? In the first pic the center looks kinda thin compared to the left side. Is it getting choked out from the opposing stems?
  6. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    I’m sure road posting are coming soon for us. I generally don’t worry unless I’m in the crane
  7. treebilly

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    I’m gonna have to work on my presentation a bit before I start posting pics
  8. treebilly

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Did I just get summoned? 😆
  9. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    That’s what I had today @flushcut Thanks for sending it this way. Heads up @cory Oh and we had a good amount of rain overnight with more on the way tonight
  10. treebilly

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Max is legendary in tree work and in his food presentation. I would like to work along side of and enjoy a meal with him someday. That would require me to leave my quarter of our country which would be a huge step for me
  11. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    It looks like spring there. Thank you for the hopeful pictures. We are now entering yet another mud season here. I could put my crane on lawns last week with no mats and now I can’t walk with out sinking. Oh and just to make things more fun, we have rain forecasted for tomorrow afternoon and...
  12. treebilly

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Prayers for you and yours Jim
  13. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Somewhere someone has pics of me catching big tops and then transferring them to the crane. This was many years ago. I hated that job.
  14. treebilly

    What cranes do you own/work with?

    SHOW OFF!!! 🤣 I love the rear mounted pk-65’s. Good sized crane with a small foot print. I’ve worked with Petrarca’s a couple of times and it’s an amazing machine.
  15. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Isn’t that a PITA when the crane is 2/3 the height of the tree?🤣 Welcome to my life