What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 8K
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I'm jealous of the snow you guys are getting! It's 70 degrees and beautiful here... and no work!:X
About 14" yesterday and its 6F right now (with a nice 30mph breeze). So much for spring.
Well I'm choked. Our forecast is cold to frigging ridiculously cold and then snow for Friday through the weekend. :(
March 10 and winter is officially over here. I had the windows open last night trying to cool the house down but tonight I had to kick on the air conditioner. It was 83 in the house at 9:30 pm and that's too hot to sleep. Thanks to the marvels of technology I have it down to a comfortable 77 now.
Sunday afternoon I went fishing with my son and his friend and I had the AC on in the pickup on the way there and before the sun went down I was looking for my jacket.
-7C last night overnight, my face was going numb while working today as it was the only skin exposed, at that time... :shifty: I ended the day in a tee shirt and sunglasses with a balmy 6C. Snowed a bit on Sunday night so I took yesterday off. I will get what Squishers getting, just not as bad :P forecast is for low s a few degrees below freezing, sorry for not providing the converted temps but since the US is officially metric I figure you fellas can start to warm up to the idea. :P !
-20F this morning with a 10 mph breeze, supposed to get up to 0. Tomorrow to 20F, weekend about 40F, that will bring out the sunbathers. Going out on the water for another fishing derby on Saturday, so should be a nice light jacket day. Hope the fish cooperate. The ice is almost too thick for the auger to get through, 4'. Hope this is the last blast of winter. After 10 years without one, this one seems long and hard, like..................................................................................................................................................................3rdgrade.