What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 8K
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I wish it would just snow!!
Over two inches of sleet and now freezing rain. We are right on the edge of the boundry to snow but it doesn't want to push in for some reason!
The trees are starting to sag and now the power is flickering.
Power was out for two hours last night, it's out again this morning. I tried calling but the line has been busy, that is bad!
We have 1/4" of ice and probably three inches of snow, another 1-3" coming. I have several tree limbs down just in my yard. Should be a real mess!
We've recieved more rain in these 3 months of '09 than we recieved in the year of 07, and nearly half of what fell in '08.
Raining right now, we have a winter storm advisory for later today, crazy :lol:
It has been raining pretty regularly here too. Older gentleman said we would have a bad hurricane this year. He told me that everytime we have an extremely wet spring we always have a bad hurricane close to us. He actually had some documentation to back up his thoughts. At least in SC anyway.
I'm beat! The power went out at 10am. Fired up the genset, life was good! 11am the genset starts running like crap and drops out of frequency. Sounded like crud in the carb. Pulled and cleaned the carb. Wont start, check for spark, I am getting spark every third or fourth revoloution! Strat checking stupid things, nope. Came in to tell the wife to call her mom and get what they needed because it was going to be down a while and I had been told 24-48hrs to restore the power. Power came back on!
We got four inches of snow on top of the 2" of sleet and 1/4-1/2" of ice.
Ran three tanks of gas through the mini today! It didn't like the deep snow so much. Kept getting high centered.
My buddy from Pennsylvania called and needed me to check on his oldes daughter to make sure she was not snowed in and an elderly lady we both know that he hadn't heard from yet.
Everyone was fine. But the trees around here are a MESS!
Nicest day of the year so far. Must have been 65, maybe warmer. I was in a T shirt until after dark. Makes one think it's all over, but it'll probably blizzard tomorrow.:roll:
Looks like the wind has laid down enough to get out on the boat and do some fishing today. It is supposed to be in the 80's.
There's nothing like 6" of snow after I put the plow away! I was just riding my bike in the mid 70's a week ago and now this :)

You know what they say about Chicago, if you don't like the weather today just wait till tomorrow.
There's nothing like 6" of snow after I put the plow away! I was just riding my bike in the mid 70's a week ago and now this :)

You know what they say about Chicago, if you don't like the weather today just wait till tomorrow.

The plow doen't get put away until memorial day.
It's blowing like hell. I had a nice technical TD booked today but I'm passing till tomorrow... last thing I need is to have part of a top blow into my customer's windows.

It's pretty though, sunny and in the 70's... nice day for somethin'