What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 8K
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0F here. At least the wind has died down.

Something shaped like a nipple rolled into the driveway last night. Wonder where it came from?

Glad I got the truck plugged in!
It's most likely a figure of speech ,New England style .Kind of like refering to coldness to parts of a dead witch or freezing certain tender parts off a brass monkey .
hovering in and out of freezing here, overcast then partly cloudy. Just fine for a no work day thanks much. :D
snow warning and wind warning here. 10 to 20cm snow and 60 to 90 kmh winds this eve and overnight. just some shitty icy rain/snow at the moment with a breeze.

I might put a sweater on, if I go outside.
3.5 inches of new snow here....Snow event number 7....

gonna turn to rain soon.

I'm going skiin'.... it may snow 3 feet before it rains way up there too, dag nab it.

The call is for 8-12" of rain below 5000-7000 feet in the Cascades., starting about Wednesday. That'l bring some bad flooding.

And destructive avalanches, if they haven't started by Tuesday. Crap.