What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Enough of a glaze to have to sand this morning.

Tuesday night into Thursday morning is looking like snow,sleet and more freezing rain, they are not sure how much of each.
For reasons unknown to me the bad weather has just went around us so far this winter .

Ft Wayne Indiana ,which is 65 miles away gets it .Detroit ,100 miles north gets it .Dayton Ohio ,80 miles south ,same deal .:?

Right now it's about 30 degrees and no wind .Not bad for this time of year ,I've seen far worse .
I didn't ski, the pass was closed all day--avalanche danger and control.

Good thing, as that snow was wet and brought us a bunch of work...

and now, the deluge cometh...flooding could be really bad. 10-20" of rain may hit the west slopes of the mountains...aarrgghh
That IS a helluva storm. We're barely even in the edge of it and it's raining all day and night here. Gonna be working wet tomorrow.
We are getting HAMMERED!!!!! With snow. I'm starting to feel rich......rich and tired. I sure wish I didn't need to sleep, gets in the way of making MONEY!!!!!!!


A storm is moving in they say ..Temps right below freezing .School events have been cancelled .

I was in town this morning delivering a saw and the roads were slick as glass .
Supposed to be another ice storm and 6 inches of snow on the way tonight.

Oh Boy.
The computer models for global warming predict that some places will get hotter, some will get colder, some will get wetter and some will get drier. The warming is referring to the global mean temperature and not the temperature where you live. Personal experience neither proves or disproves the theory as what you experience is just one piece of data in a much much larger system. Its a darned shame that science gets explained so poorly in our media these days.
I dunno, Darin, but I'm outside emptying cans of spraypaint. Screw the grandkids... I'm cold NOW.

30 years ago the 'scientists' all said we were entering another ice age. They were wrong I guess. Now we're supposed to be experiencing 'global warming', but the ones claiming this (only about half of the environmental scientists) must be right this time, huh?

Of all the so-called data on 'global warming', how come NONE of it ever takes into consideration the varied effects from our source of heat- the sun? I've heard that there some correlation between increased solar flares and increased temps on earth. Makes a helluva lot more sense than the crap being peddled by that 'carbon credit' peddler Al Gore. I wonder how much money he's made selling carbon credits? :/: