What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Good grief it must be cold .I had the goethermal off and the temp was 68 in this room I'm typing this post .I just turned it back on . I thought it a bit chilly .

Usually the woodstove which is in the front part of the house keeps it about 75 .
What ice is in John ?
I just spent one solid plus hour warming up trucks. In thirty mins run time , i felt oil on dip stick of chipper and it was still cold.
What temp. is the ,we dont do tree work temp ?
What ice is in John ?
I just spent one solid plus hour warming up trucks. In thirty mins run time , i felt oil on dip stick of chipper and it was still cold.
What temp. is the ,we dont do tree work temp ?

this is we dont work temp for me......9 degrees right now with 10-15 mph wind. Ice is probably in at 215, and graveyard fields. Celo is probably getting phat, but it's still 4 below up there with a 30mph wind
-2 outside, and 38 INside this morning. The missus is now banned from touching the thermostat.

-2 outside, and 38 INside this morning. The missus is now banned from touching the thermostat.


Jesus Christ! You need to school that woman properly. I don't think my wife even knows what the thermostat looks like. We were at -9 this morning. Made it up to 10 and heading back down again.
We don't have anything near what you yanks are getting but it was rather cold here. Never above freezing today, It was a beautiful day crisp clean air.
I keep a small (1300w) space heater in the office because the thermostat for the rest of the house is set at 68 and that's too chilly for me to be comfortable.

Was 45 on my way to work this morning and only got up into the mid 60s today.
+3˚ when I went to the farm this morning. Had to plug in the JD.....has done fine until this morning. Chopped pond ice for the herd to get water....only a few inches thick though. Not bad. At least it wasn't snowing/blowing. I thought my forehead was going to fall off yesterday driving straight into the wind. I bundled up a bit better today, also. Put my Peltors OVER my hat....not as good of protection, I'm sure....but much warmer.

Feeding out 50% more feed/hay than usual on these single digit days. We don't really have any extra, but I figure they'll do better to be short a bit when its warmer. This weather is really hard on all of us animals.
It's 8 degrees, all the water pipes in my house are "slushy" frozen and sputtering, but the heat lamps are working well enough to keep them from busting. A shower would be nice though....
I keep a small (1300w) space heater in the office because the thermostat for the rest of the house is set at 68 and that's too chilly for me to be comfortable.

Was 45 on my way to work this morning and only got up into the mid 60s today.

Damn Yankees coming down here for the Geezer's climbing competition all brought their cold weather with them. It's 36 degrees right now and I am going to freeze my ass off today.
