What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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70 yesterday, 70 today and 70 tomorrow. Low was 50 last night and I had the window open and the fan on. 46 tonight and the same setup ... And tomorrow also. Then it will start getting cooler... Good weather for working on the trucks though :) Sunny and such. But I would rather be climbing trees and making money. Oh well.
We just had a cold front go through...all of 72* this afternoon, snigger, snigger:P
But when the wind shifts to the north, it may plummet to 60*...:O

That strong jet stream is pushing the worst of the weather over the north of us, and the Gulf Stream is melting all the snow...:) Nice bit of rain to top up the tanks.
brrr...22 here seems balmy. Supposed to be 6 fri am. Jonsenred Bred....you boys workin' when it's this polar!!!

No tree work, its gonna be less than 0 here tomorrow. But I got other things up my sleeve.;)
70 yesterday, 70 today and 70 tomorrow. Low was 50 last night and I had the window open and the fan on. 46 tonight and the same setup ... And tomorrow also. Then it will start getting cooler... Good weather for working on the trucks though :) Sunny and such. But I would rather be climbing trees and making money. Oh well.

Basturd , 25 below air temperature predicted for tonight. it was 12 below when I plugged the truck in. No Tree work in MN tomorrow
9 degrees tomorrow night! Time to turn on the heat lamps, so the the pipes don't freeze.
8 and snowing. Not supposed to amount to much, might have 1/4" on the ground now. No wind right now, thats pretty spooky!
Supposed to be 8 tonight.i had all the block heaters on last night and everything warmed up by 7:30.
29 and windy here right now.
I was up till mid night adding anti freeze fro tonight , ittl proably be about 6 up here in the canyon.
We southerners dont know how to act.
It'll hurt less that way when your wife throws you through it for freezing her tush off.
Supposed to be 8 tonight.i had all the block heaters on last night and everything warmed up by 7:30.
29 and windy here right now.
I was up till mid night adding anti freeze fro tonight , ittl proably be about 6 up here in the canyon.
We southerners dont know how to act.

time to climb ice?