The RIP Thread...

Funny Dom:

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RIP Bill. I guess they just found him in his Bangkok hotel. Agent says it was natural causes. 73.

Bangkok, lol.

I really don't think he was there for the food and great medical care...
I guess the agent lied. News just said he was found hanged and that he was there shooting a movie.
:cry:I loved kung fu as a kid
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Mr Carradine was staying at the luxury Park Nai Lert Hotel in Bangkok where he was found by a maid.

The actor was discovered with a cord around his neck and other parts of his naked body, said cops.

A police officer said: "A rope was attached to his neck and also to his penis".

His personal manager Chuck Binder described the hanging as "accidental".

He said the actor was in Thailand filming his latest film, Stretch, and added the news was "shocking".

I knew it
RIP David Carradine. Kung Fu was one of my favorite shows of all time.

...I could have gone all day without hearing about the rope on the penis thing.
Yea. it would have been nice to be able to watch " Kill Bill" again, without thinking of autoerotic aspyxiation.
Why not?
Sure it is violent, but as a martial artist of 35 years standing, that doesn't turn me off!
R.I.P. ,Carolsue Biddinger -Smith ,the mother of my children .1946-2009 .She passed two weeks ago as a secondary product of radiation introduced cancer used to fight a cancer of the female organs .

Thanks babe ,it was a hell of a party while it lasted .
Not for me but for my children and grand children do I weep for sorrow . .I'll post some pics later as soon as I get over this .