
Gusts 20-25 ,1 to 3 inchs of snow forecast .It's 38 degrees out and only expected to drop to 37 come nightfall so it won't stay on the ground long .
Out of the loop here for natural disasters for a change. Watching from afar. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.
Not bad here ... winds 50mph ... minor damage to vulnerable trees ... high water ... mostly minor power outage: 4,300 in this county but 27,000 in the next county.
We've had much worse without a hurricane.
I've seen worse: currently expecting wind and rain bands through tomorrow. But, at the moment, the sun is out. We were a lot luckier than 350 miles to the South. Rob (TreeWiseMen) is on the South shore of Long Island and likely w/out power.
This is Rob's last Facebook update 7 hours ago via his cell: "River back where it should be, street looks like, well, like a hurricane hit it! Poor dog had a pee and poo at long last, still 2ft or so of manky water in the basement. iPhone about to die. Fuse board in basement got fried so even when power comes back on, ours won't. Can't even put the friggin' kettle on......frig you very much Sandy!!!!"
This is the previous post from 13 hours ago "Basement flooded up to the ceiling. Power out, house surrounded by chest deep water."
Wondering how Paul is myself. West VA is supposed to get 2-3ft of snow and high winds. New York got hammered from what I'm hearing, have a friend who lives there, said his windows at his apartment were sucked out last night. he's currently working central park with Mayer tree doing clean up, I'm trying to get up that way and help him out, just waiting on a call back from someone. New York and new jersey seem to have taken the brunt of it.
The local news at noon said they were getting 10 feet waves rolling off lake Erie and wind gusts to 80 MPH . Geeze a bunch of idiots showed up with surf boards but had enough sense not to dive in the lake ,Toledo .
Currently clear blue skies, no wind and 70 degrees. Here, on the west coast, we don't get the intensity and shear numbers of bad weather storms that you guys get in the central and east coast states. Man you guys get hammered.

The reason for the great weather on the west coast is because nearly all of it comes directly off the Pacific. There's seldom ever the clash of cold and warm air masses mixing here. Once in a great while, but not as a rule.

On the other hand, the central and east states are a convergence zone where arctic and gulf stream air masses meet frequently, and lordy does it result in some bad ass weather.

Be careful, Boys and Gals. Seek high ground and hunker down.

I'm glad I'm not there.
Although we have had hurricanes here Gerry. Freida was the last named one (that I know of) but we briefly had hurricane force winds in a few areas in 2006 here in Vancouver BC
Just the other day the folks on the coast of B.C experienced a 7.7 quake and are still getting aftershocks.
Here in Manitoba we're getting rain today after having a week of snow and cold, the rain must be from Sandy.
Im fine yaal, just rain here. Havent even had any calls today...

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Been watching it on the news...I'm sure there are some bad spots but looks like it could have been a lot worse!
It was a HUGE system, filled the sea between Bermuda and the States...huge, Bda got gusts to 50 as it passed by.
First day of storm work in the books. We got hit pretty good, lots of down trees and power lines, finally just got our power back on. It definitely could have been a lot worse. Here are some pictures of tomorrows trees. The one on the house went through the homeowners wall and missed her head by about 6''.

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