Sandusky Convicted

it's relative because like others have said when you have children of your own things like this cut close to the heart, it makes you fear for your own children's safety and brings out an almost primeval reaction.

Take an animal for example, if it feels that your a threat to its offspring it will attack, its pre wired in to all of us to protect our young which is something most of us do as the systems set in place by local authority's quite often fail to do so.
I'm absolutely shocked and let down that I'm going to come under attack from other guys because I express extreme disdain for guys that bang kids. This is just disguisting.
I'm absolutely shocked and let down that I'm going to come under attack from other guys because I express extreme disdain for guys that bang kids. This is just disguisting.

i'm with you 100% fella, but out of everyone who's passed a comment there are only a couple who think that the sicko shouldn't be hung drawn and quartered, we should take something out of the fact that for once we'r not a minority
I have two children and I have three pediphiles within two miles of my house. I stand on guard, because you can not change the way a pediphile thinks. Even if you cut off their junk, they will find a way to satisfy their urges. I think a majority of people contribute this to mental illness, but then again, doctors use to label homosexuls as mentally ill also. All I can do is stand on guard, but if I saw child being abused, I would step in and stop it! I say, shame on those who saw sandusky abusing children and didn't stop it.
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It's amazing how violent and vengeful humans are capable of being when they feel justified in their vengeance. This entire thread disturbs me.

Brian, I am confused, you don't think he should rot in jail? The people at Penn State did not protect those children, it took the criminal justice system to get him off the streets. I, for one, am thankful for that.
i'm with you 100% fella, but out of everyone who's passed a comment there are only a couple who think that the sicko shouldn't be hung drawn and quartered, we should take something out of the fact that for once we'r not a minority

I never said he shouldn't. I just don't feel the inner rage to want to go do it myself since I'm not involved in the situation. I was simply observing the mob mentality in action and how it was beginning to feed on itself within this thread.
i'm with you 100% fella, but out of everyone who's passed a comment there are only a couple who think that the sicko shouldn't be hung drawn and quartered, we should take something out of the fact that for once we'r not a minority

Hung, drawn and quartered.

What century are you living in?

Or we could go all old style biblican and stone his ass to death.

Get real, please.
Let's all mellow out here. This is heading downhill. It's not worth it. He is in jail, and that's all that counts.
Within the scope of this discussion, I don't see disdain for the person responsible as being insensitive to the needs of the victims. I think it is reaching, to make that accusation. You mentioned that they have needs too, so it has been expressed. Perhaps the discussion is more complete now, good thinking. I wouldn't hold it against others that didn't bring it up. Disdain can be interpreted as compassion for the victims as well, contained within and prompting the anger.
I have no problem with anyone feeling anger or disdain toward Sandusky. I think it's a highly appropriate response whether you have kids or not. My personal feeling is just sadness for what happened and all the folks damaged by this. I don't spend much time thinking about the punishment as that is pretty much a done deal, life in prison. Trying to figure out what lessons there are to be learned after something bad happens is the only way to make anything good come of it. Speculating over how horrible the punishment should be for a crime is like a game that makes the individual feel righteous in their indignation but has no net effect, what's done is done.
I carry this same thought process to my work. If someone screws up, punishing them cannot undo what just happened. Asking them, "What can we do to make sure that never happens again?" has had a greater success for me.

Edit: Not suggesting in any way Sandusky shouldn't be punished with that last sentence.
Good point Jay. My feelings of angst don't stem from a persons sexual preferences. That's their problem. My strong feelings stem from the idea that victims are created by a man allowing his sexual urges to emotionally and physically harm a child, who at a young age doesn't even fathom what in the heck this activity is all about. For a young child, genitalia is used for going to the bathroom. In one horrible instant, they get taught about something totally different. The emotional damage must be mind boggling. That HAS to be brutal going through your childhood with this. Adult attacks are horrible enough, but fortunately an adult can comprehend the actions that took place. A poor child must be thinking WTF?

Its just terrible on so many levels.
As do I.

My post was not intended to condone what he has done in any way.
I'm all for putting someone like him down.

I just had enough of everybody trying to overbid each other as to what cruelties should be done to him.

Like I said, it is the kind of keyboard bravado that Erik was a master of, and it doesn't really add much to any discussion.
Penn States lawsuits are already in motion. As soon as the guilty verdicts were read, lawyers got busy.
There was a public school that let Sandusky pick up a kid without his mother's approval. I'd like to see some attention paid to them and make that never flies again.
Nah, I don't think so. It's over and his goose is cooked.

Sandusky's case is pretty much over. I meant overall, with all the other people involved, many civil cases with start showing up that relate to this I'm sure. Like many of the high level officials at Penn State who knew and pushed it under the rug.
As do I.

My post was not intended to condone what he has done in any way.
I'm all for putting someone like him down.

I just had enough of everybody trying to overbid each other as to what cruelties should be done to him.

Like I said, it is the kind of keyboard bravado that Erik was a master of, and it doesn't really add much to any discussion.

So your all for putting him down but slate anyone else who says something along those lines??
Within the scope of this discussion, I don't see disdain for the person responsible as being insensitive to the needs of the victims. I think it is reaching, to make that accusation. You mentioned that they have needs too, so it has been expressed. Perhaps the discussion is more complete now, good thinking. I wouldn't hold it against others that didn't bring it up. Disdain can be interpreted as compassion for the victims as well, contained within and prompting the anger.

Good Lord, Jay, you take the cake for articulate, insightful, rational, um, discourse.
Hung, drawn and quartered.

What century are you living in?

Or we could go all old style biblican and stone his ass to death.

Get real, please.

just a phrase dude, get a grip
I actually think I got a pretty good grip, Dude:D

What exactly does a "phrase" like that add to the discussion, except for telling us all how tough we should know you are?

It is just soooo easy to pour on the internet bravado, isn't it.

I just wonder why more pedophiles aren't killed by outraged parents/bystanders/ good old boys if y'all are so tough.

Only case I can remember right off the bat, is the Marianne Bachmeier case in Germany.

She didn't talk it up, just went up to the guy who had killed and raped her daughter , while he was sitting in court, and emptied a gun into him, all six shots. Game over!

That I totally respect.
She took her punishment afterwards and was turned into somewhat of a people's heroine, untill she sold her story to Bildt Magazine ( I think, might have been Stern) for 1½ million D-mark.
Then her lustre faded somewhat.