Longest Delay Before Getting A Joke


Jul 21, 2019
I was paddling the Cheat river once, and came around a bend fairly quick. There were a couple guys I was with in a small eddy in the middle of the river, and I was coming right for them. I'm cranking back on my paddle, and putting everything I have into it. I came to a stop a couple feet in front of the rock they were behind, and ferried around them. When I got the boat stopped, one of them said I must have hydraulic brakes. Gave a polite chuckle, and went on with my day. Literally years later I was thinking about it, and thought "Heh... hydraulic brakes cause I was on a river :^D "

What's the longest it's taken you to get a joke?
Ok not that long.

But speaking things clicking years later, just today I realized that something I used to think about as a kid is also a thing a greek philosopher came up with- Zeno's dichotomy paradox

Another old one but true for me, I really thought I’d be lucky not to have my life put in danger by quicksand or drowning after inadvertently putting my foot in one of the giant clams that seemed to inhabit the whole sea/river beds floor.
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Catfish for me, but yes. I've heard stories of divers working the locks and dams here bumping into catfish with their eyes 2 feet apart just hanging out eating all day and night. I've also gone over a decade with a song stuck in your head and then you finally hear it again and figure out what it was. That has happened more than once, on the most random of songs too.
I always sang “like a death row hard on, 10 minutes too late” instead of death row pardon to Ironic by Alanis Morrisette.

I had created an entire story to rationalise this lyric about a man unable to have a last wank because of worrying about his impending death, then getting a massive boner in the electric chair due to the current.

Then 25 years later I was singing along in the van and my groundy said ”what did you just say?”
It was then I realised my life had been a lie.
I had the guitar riff from bridge of sighs by Robin trower stuck in there forever until i finally heard it again and figured it out, the same for two hangmen by mason proffit, and cky doing 96 quite bitter beings. Lol quite the spread
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Thought of another one. Can't remember exactly what the joke was. It was in a Playboy I found when I was ~9yr old. It had something to do with weather or the natural world, and the punchline was "He'll be mighty Thor". I thought "WTF does that even mean?!". Same deal, years later I realized it makes sense when you assume gay lisp. I'm a little slow...
I have one , will take some typing but in the end the joke was definitely on me ... I only drink one Beer , Ale actually ... Bass Ale (the Original IPA) . Store at the bottom of the hill used to sell twelve packs always stocked on the bottom shelf of cooler , which during Summers always had Bait Worms containers stacked right the f uck i n front of said Beer ... after picking up the containers and putting them back in thecooler after dumping them on the floor several times just trying to get my Twelve I finally just started moving Worms out of the way first. ! Whole thing pissed me off ... later , when we were logging my land we were having the after work meeting , I commented "why do they always put the Worms in front of the Bass ???!" ... my buddy Jason says "I'll tell you why the Worms are in front of the Bass ... " let's it hang and the whole group cracks up laughing ... didn't figure out for a few minutes , funny
I've met a few people in the service, and on all crews of men I worked with, a perfect match, masters of insult and snappy come-back, throw insult and banter at each other like a professional comedy act. Kept all the rest of the crew laughing their ass off. In either match there's a lot of inuendo, and if you didn't know the guys doing the talking you'd miss the jest of their insults. Hardly ever a pause, as a pause shows weakness, and so their act usually kept on going. Fun times. A couple of times I had to tell'um, "Boys, we got to get to work."
Was disappointed as I grew up that guérilla warfare was not gorilla warfare, which was an awesome mental image when you’re 6/7/8.

When I was younger there was loads of stuff on the News about the Gulf war.
We used to drive past a huge sign that said "Golf Driving range" and I was convinced it was where cool kids got to go and drive tanks and play with rockets. I was heartbroken when I found out was just fat old guys playing golf