In The News...

Ray. I'm unclear what you mean by 'not making an ecological difference'. I can see maybe not globally. But within a city mature tree canopy cover has near limitless positive effects.

Most any tree bylaws I know of around here, don't seem to be a big money grab to me. Their point/goal isn't to drive revenue, its to retain canopy cover.
The closer you cram humans in together(ie cities, and bigger and bigger cities) it seems the more and more 'laws' become needed to stop people from doing all sorts of stupid stuff.
Cities, are like one big giant homeowners association to me. Don't park here, don't piss there, don't let your dog shit on the grass, keep it down between x and y. Jeebus. I couldn't handle it.

A neighbouring community due to the extreme fire rating has closed all their parks under some bylaw or other. Because people are to stupid to take a walk in the park without risk of burning it down.

Ahhh communities, where do I sign up?
So Stig, you think that with out the state telling people what they can or cant do, they will cut down every tree in sight? Just because they are assholes?

Why dont people cut down all the cottonwoods in my town?

Its kind of funny, you took it to the extreme this time.....not me.

So the Governor of Texas wants to cut down a pecan tree to build a house. I suppose the next step is to poison the well at the orphan home?

Every tree is a heritage tree. So the good folks in Texas better not cut any more down.

Go ahead and buy produce from Brazil.........I guess the rain forest is not a "heritage".
I just reacted to your " Better not tell me what I can't do" and tried to show you that a commie can exhibit the same level of childishness.

Also, I had fun digging the examples out of my memory.

We had one of our many titled landowners doze down a couple of Bronce age burial mounds a few years ago, because they were in the way of his plow or something .

That didn't end well for him.
I found an old stone camp fire ring while trespassing years ago.

It was neat, and I told the landowner. I wish he could have saved it, but I understand why he did not tell anyone about it, neither did I.

On the way to town is an old Buffalo Jump. Everyone knows what it is.

About 10 years ago some group of weirdos came out and made a huge plaster cast of a section of the jump. Probably for some weirdo museum in some big city filled with weirdos.

As if erosion had not changed the surface of it from 150 years ago. I hope some weirdo paid them big bucks for it. I bet they faked some buffalo hoof prints in it too.
The attitude of "dont tell me what I can or cant do" has cost me dearly over the years......but its still not a bad way to live.

I had a girl pull a big handful of beard hair out one time because of that. She told me what I had to do.....I said go ahead and pull it.
We sure know how to work each other up, don't we:lol:
Be fun to visit you.
People who say they couldn't live in towns/cities because they imagine themselves as free spirits or mavericks or spiritually country folk or whatever are FOS. I think they imagine it makes them superior in some way to city folk.

If you had to you would, and there are aspects of it you'd actually like
Mick, I have lived in cities.
Didn't like it one bit.
Only good thing about it is the restaurants.
We miss those out here.

Nothing to do with being a " free spirit" much to do with not liking people much.
People who say they couldn't live in towns/cities because they imagine themselves as free spirits or mavericks or spiritually country folk or whatever are FOS. I think they imagine it makes them superior in some way to city folk.

If you had to you would, and there are aspects of it you'd actually like

Not me. I've spent times in cities. Youre the one that brought in the superiority complex. I just said lots of people are stupid and can't make proper decisions for themselves. I'll stand by that statement all day long.
Not me. I've spent times in cities. Youre the one that brought in the superiority complex. I just said lots of people are stupid and can't make proper decisions for themselves. I'll stand by that statement all day long.

I wasn't thinking of your post at all.
Mick, I have lived in cities.
Didn't like it one bit.
Only good thing about it is the restaurants.
We miss those out here.

Nothing to do with being a " free spirit" much to do with not liking people much.

We're all a bit misanthropic Stig, doesn't stop you spending a large amount of time on social media i.e. here, talking to people.
Ever noticed that I have a slight tendency to run afoul of some members here?

That is the reason I live 250 meters from the nearest neighbour and planted 1100 trees and bushed around my proiperty when I bought it.

Social media have "ignore" buttons, apartment buildings don't!
Most any tree bylaws I know of around here, don't seem to be a big money grab to me. Their point/goal isn't to drive revenue, its to retain canopy cover.
Sounds like your city folks may be in it for the right reasons Squish. I don't see that in the one town in our county that sells tree tickets.
250 WHOLE meters? How on earth do you survive that far out in the sticks?
In this little pissant country that is about as far as one can get from the rest of the inhabitants.

Got a large bunch of the 21 million pigs about a ½ mile from me, too.

I enjoy the smell a lot, when the wind is southeasternly.
Sounds like your city folks may be in it for the right reasons Squish. I don't see that in the one town in our county that sells tree tickets.

Whats wrong with trying to improve property values in your community. Don't live in that community if you don't like it. How is the state telling a community they can't take initiatives as a community right. If the city of Austin wants big trees and the democratically elected city council passed that ordinance then the governor should move rather than banning his community from acting in its self interest. I am opposed to banning things as well. That's why I'm opposed to the governor of Texas banning tree ordinances. He should just move to Jim's neighborhood and cut down all the trees he wants. Or he could move here. We have no ordinances. People cut beautiful trees down all day long. There will be nothing left but siberians elms and ailanthus in a short while.

A few countries in Africa have banned plastic bags and it has made a world of difference. They can't hide their trash as easily over there so banning them is urgent. I think getting rid of them makes a huge difference. There is no political will in my community. But in communities that have those values they are no unable to because the plastics industry is pretty powerful here in Michigan.