How'd it go today?

I ran into the same issue when I bought my F450 a couple months ago. Been slow as hell, and just as slow for my buddy who bought my old truck. I needed the old truck money for the new truck! I've had a couple good weeks here and there, but this year has sucked overall.
I ran into the same issue when I bought my F450 a couple months ago. Been slow as hell, and just as slow for my buddy who bought my old truck. I needed the old truck money for the new truck! I've had a couple good weeks here and there, but this year has sucked overall.
I think if I can survive this year im probably doing pretty good
Just cover your new payment every month and that machine will pay for itself and more in short order.
yeah $1500 a month for the machime, $500 for the dump trailer, house payment, insurance, fuel, taxes, more insurance

I need to cover like $4000 a month right now at a minimum
yeah $1500 a month for the machime, $500 for the dump trailer, house payment, insurance, fuel, taxes, more insurance

I need to cover like $4000 a month right now at a minimum
Same here between my house, loader, insurance (pickup, work truck, business, liability) and old debt payments. Plus living expenses like food and utilities.
Canopy raise of 2 beeches, large deadwood a substantial white oak, and buck a large fallen red oak log. 5 hours. First time I used slings as footholds to get out onto a longer limb without any branches for holds. No great TIP.

I bombed out of the tree forgetful of my sectional pole saw on my belt. I had about 25’ with me. The blade bent sideways and I cracked a threaded union. Oh well, blade bent back and I never use all the sections anyway as it’s ineffective at close to 40’.
Bummer about the polesaw :^(

I went back to that job with the locusts, and the one I wanted to fell had a greater backlean than I remembered. I'm 90% sure I could have gotten it down without drama, but it was fairly breezy today, and if it went really wrong, it would flatten a neighbor's garage. I just wasn't feelin' it. I'd want to pull while simultaneously banging wedges to keep it tight. Ended up just falling a small headleaner, and got another polebarn pole, a couple fence posts, and brought home some firewood.

Got home, and did some trimming around the yard. Cut up some wood I had on the ground, and removed 3 small ashes, and a couple tiny cherries.. Weather's pretty nice today, so I was motivated for outside work.
Canopy raise of 2 beeches, large deadwood a substantial white oak, and buck a large fallen red oak log. 5 hours. First time I used slings as footholds to get out onto a longer limb without any branches for holds. No great TIP.

I bombed out of the tree forgetful of my sectional pole saw on my belt. I had about 25’ with me. The blade bent sideways and I cracked a threaded union. Oh well, blade bent back and I never use all the sections anyway as it’s ineffective at close to 40’.
Sorry about your saw mate.
But, my .02. Because I'm a grumpy old man now.
If you extend a pole saw further than 12 feet, you are more apt to break something.
My general rule at work is, if you cant reach it with 12', the climber will.
Its really safer to cut from above than below.
The exception to the 12 foot rule is 18 max if there is just a quick cut you can make safely with out damage to property, tree, equipment or yourself..
Sporting a shorter pole saw rule will make you a better climber.

Edit... obviously species and situationally depedant. Stay safe.
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Sorry about your saw mate.
But, my .02. Because I'm a grumpy old man now.
If you extend a pole saw further than 12 feet, you are more apt to break something.
My general rule at work is, if you cant reach it with 12', the climber will.
Its really safer to cut from above than below.
The exception to the 12 foot rule is 18 max if there is just a quick cut you can make safely with out damage to property, tree, equipment or yourself..
Sporting a shorter pole saw rule will make you a better climber.

Edit... obviously species and situationally depedant. Stay safe.
I hear you with the pole saw, Stephen. It was kinda stupid to use it because I could have gotten out there. It wasn’t easy, but neither was bringing 25’ of pole saw up about 50’, finding a perch, and wasting 5 minutes cutting at an awkward angle only to abandon the plan and use slings to climb out on the limb! You are correct- it made me a better climber to just get out there!

The beeches were climbed to elevate the canopies. Could have gotten it from the ground but I hate pole saws. It probably would have taken just as long with the pole saws for what it had to do and my neck and shoulders would be upset with me.
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Bummer about the polesaw :^(

I went back to that job with the locusts, and the one I wanted to fell had a greater backlean than I remembered. I'm 90% sure I could have gotten it down without drama, but it was fairly breezy today, and if it went really wrong, it would flatten a neighbor's garage. I just wasn't feelin' it. I'd want to pull while simultaneously banging wedges to keep it tight. Ended up just falling a small headleaner, and got another polebarn pole, a couple fence posts, and brought home some firewood.

Got home, and did some trimming around the yard. Cut up some wood I had on the ground, and removed 3 small ashes, and a couple tiny cherries.. Weather's pretty nice today, so I was motivated for outside work.
Great weather for outdoor activities!!! I thought “bet John is loving this temperature”. Glad you got to run some saws today.
spent today getting some video comparing my 500i and 881 with the same B&C, and some basics on operating an excavator

ive already got 70 hours in the kubota, of course only one job this week needs it, first job I do this week is tons of limbs and real small saplings so its all hand dragging on a 30 degree moss covered hill to the dump trailer, no way to get the chipper and chip truck to the job and we cant chip into the woods

"But the propane truck can get up my driveway"
Maybe you can send them down on a rope.
not worth it to set up, doing every limb touching/close to the house and a few small trees, truck will park next to the house and be close to most of it (within 20ft) but some of it will go across the hill to the truck, almost every cut will be below 30ft, id be willing to bet the climber can throw half of it over the house into the truck (but wont try, I like my low insurance rates)

good idea tho if it worked for this job I would do it fosho
Could be an error like the page timed out or something.
I wish that were the case
I pissed off an admin, talked back to him when he deleted a message of mine for some BS reason and he didnt like that, didnt let him have his rage induced power trip and now I have till the 15th to "think about it"

waiting on them to ban me TBH, already happened once on another forum for a very similar reason
I wonder who thinks of unusual features when designing forums, such as taking into account future times? I made a post, and it said it was posted in 5 minutes rather than a moment ago. A post above said "in 3 minutes" refreshing the page brought it back to real time.
About 3 years ago Carl closed down one sub forum completely because he didn't like all the political arguments. If you will notice no one has been able to make a post in that sub forum since 2020.
I was unaware of such a thing...

I'm just making the note that you guys on this forum have thick skin and don't get upset by every little thing like they do on the other 2

You already know how I get along with the other 2 forums, rumor has it I ruffled some feathers a while back, not saying I tried to but also not saying I was going to tiptoe as to not offend Tom D or Mark C...

Edit, found the sub forum, I don't blame Carl really, politics religion should never be talked about with friends, customers, and co workers imo