How'd it go today?

I dismantled four green ash trees that were planted less than a foot apart from each other. My wife says to me, "I refuse to take any videos of you working, because I don't want to record your death".

Geez.....come on.

It was a perfect job. Three trees removed from over a newly shingled garage. Another removed from over the house. No dents, scratches, or blood. LOL

Been quiet lately on the work front, scratching around a bit. Getting on with the sun deck extension to the veranda.


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It's weird the way it goes, looked at two jobs last night, both of which I was right for, normally we'd be setting a date to do the work straight away, but they both said they'd think about it.
Took the week off because the ground guy had to deal with a funeral, bosses dad landed in the hospital, and that freed me up to go to the baby doctor with my wife (all is going really good). Spent today looking at property with my wife, nothing worth buying for a building place though
Been working up in Sonoma valley this week. Three more days. Crazy money up here. Working in a private canyon on Sonoma Mountain. Beautiful birds, oaks and firs.......such a difference than sirens, gunshots, triple parking and meter maids.

Gotta give thanks.
Staying with the in laws.....her 90 year old WW2 Grandpa and his son, Uncle Gregg.

It's saving money.
I'm contracting for a friend. His main climber nipped the tip of his finger off and went to Switzerland for a few weeks to see family......So Viola, instant work vacation for me.
Took Otis for his first ride in a cart during a break. He's been really great the whole time so far.

Ran bobcat most of the day filling in dips in the roads. Made a trash run with the tractor. Helps several folks park or find a spot to camp and found power for them. Visited with a ton of old friends.


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Well, due to the nature of the universe, and the fact that it hates me, we got a nasty storm tonight. Shut down the seeding.

Blew down the dead tree on my road. I am going to fire up the ole Pro Mac and cut it up in the morning. I have a real nice MS 460, but the Mac was grandpa's and so was the tree.

Storm really cleaned out the yard nice. Toys, jugs, buckets, stock tanks.....all gone. Probably find a bunch more damage in the morning, I just stayed inside and swore a lot. My old busted crab apple is still there, might still get to send Stig some jelly.
Good deal!

Your at a festival right Dave?

Sorta sounds like your doing a hell of a lot of work.

Yes, my friend took over this event three years's the oldest continuous running music festival in MI (44th annual). Most of my crowd of friends in music grew up going to this festival.

In recent years it went downhill due to the previous promoters health issues & such. Wes is slowly lifting it back to the great event it was back in the day. The Small crew of friends who volunteer to help are all very passionate about customer service and putting on a great event. Yep...we work our butts off, but to hear/read all the good comments from folks who have attended makes all the effort well worth while.

Getting rained out on mowing the golf course this morning...this is screwing up my schedule big time...ah well, bob, weave, and adapt...
Done at the course...whew, rain stopped just long enough.

Now pack up & back on the road to the to y'all Friday...
Storm really cleaned out the yard nice. Toys, jugs, buckets, stock tanks.....all gone. Probably find a bunch more damage in the morning, I just stayed inside and swore a lot.

Sounds like a helluva wind. Good luck with all that. Hope Grandpa's saw does the job well.
Heckuva post, FFZ.

Since you know the nature of the universe caused that pita, you know the same nature will swing back around soon enough and treat you all nice nice.