How'd it go today?

Hey Andy, if the hours are too much then I know a place you might be able to get a job installing windshields...

But they don't pay like this place, and I don't think they'd like me back:lol:

The hours haven't even begun to get crazy!! I have been hearing stories when the other plants did this type of move, 100 plus hours a week!!!!
I think I will be taking the Futon in to work and sleeping on it!!!
I just got the connection back as my kid was playing Halo on the X-box. Freaking Sunday went by like a flash. I have to pickup my nephew the musician and his family at the airport in Oakland tomorrow so I think I will just do some fixing of stuff tomorrow. I did watch some Barbarians on the history channel today that was pretty cool.
Cantonese has nine tones. I can't even differentiate between all of them yet. This means that I could say the word "sing" nine slightly different ways and each one would mean something totally different.
Japanese is a tonal language too. I had a student named Mr. Oishi. Said one way it meant white stone and said with a slightly different tone it meant delicious. Poor guy, I think I called him Mr. Delicious all term.
Well a otherwise crappy day is atleast ending well. Home with my family :) , and the phone rings my buddy who started working at a rental shop about six months ago tells me that their policy is to put a brand new chain on a saw every time it gets rented, he figures there's about forty chains that they were gonna just throw out that have never been filed. Mine for the taking, told him I'll pop by tomorrow. Heh a file's gotta be cheaper than a chain right? He didn't know nothing about pitch or anything.8)

And ya I couldn't beleive it either but he said one use only whether someone just used it for five minutes to knock down a small tree, everytime they go out new chain.
Yah I thought it was sweet. He said if they were of use to me drop the guys by a box of beer and we'd call her square. :thumbup:
It still seems odd to me that they would do that, but I didn't really want to push the issue, it's like I won't really beleive it until I've got my hands on 'em.
The price is built into the rental, and liability issues make it unwise to re-rent a used chain that may have been subjected to stress that might reduce it's strength. Also, chain sharpness is a big issue and too many customers would complain if they got a used chain with a half-assed sharpening job. For 98% of chainsaw users (and 99.9% of rental shop service techs), nothing is sharper than a new chain.