How'd it go today?

Crane job got put off for this week...fine with me; next week we can talk via bluetooth. Did a little storm call at Consumers Energy plant, then rode with boss to check out a couple jobs coming up.

Have to work tomorrow (I should have severe Raptor envy by the end of the day) so plans all changed and spending today getting things ready for a Sat job.
So...did a storm job for the local health centre, two weeks ago. Today I find out their payment cycle is 45 days...sigh.

And...a huge old oak I have been tending to for two years since the owners built a house too close to it...wrote a report for them, did two lots of deadwooding, made recommendations for improving drainage, minimizing any pruning until the tree 'catches itself'...found out yesterday that during my absence due to health reasons they got another crowd in to do some work. Went to have a look and I reckon they did a crown thin while it was still in leaf...I specifically told them to take it easy on any pruning as the tree is old and still adjusting to the impacts of the construction. Tree is leafing out now and looks VERY thin on the affected side with at least two more dead branches. I had left a lot of interior epicormic growth to add to the tree's energy production...looks to me like they thinned lot of it out.
Oh dear...not my fault now if it goes downhill this summer...I am a bit bummed about it though.
Things are really quiet on the work front. Very little contract climbing & all the forestry sites are machine clear fells, so only the odd day felling oversize trees & wedging over edge trees. Guess I'm gonna have to head out fishing again :)


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Spent most of the day taking ~12" dia oak limbs from over a house. Lowest was at 70'... remove one and go to next tree...remove one...repeat. Two more to go next week and we'll move on.

HO decided to come out and change a few things on the job...Nothing major just took off and add-on and added a good sized widowmaker he spotted...luckily it was in a tree I was already scheduled to climb.

Had to quit early to make it to the rental shop to pick up a lift for the home and found I'd not only was an hour off on the time I had to be there, but a couple charges were deducted from the account I was to use, so had to scramble around, get $ in the account, and fly the the place...called them on the way there and a guy stayed for me...showed up 5 minutes after closing.:|:

Some where in there I blew up the flat tire on the chipper so the guy chipping tomorrow could pick it up. (thanks for the compressor Nic!)

It seemed like an awful hectic day, but things just happened to all work out at the last minute.:)
Gary...two cuts (plus finish) per limb. bigger stuff than I normally am roping out but had some super solid gin points.
Stephen, what is the utilization situation with all that pine out your way these days? Seems a shame for it all to go to waste.
Market is flooded with it. Permitted logs can be hauled off to mills or processing. But the landings are full. Pretty soon, most logs will sit and rot. Ponderosa pine is not all that desirable.
Dept of forestry wants all the millions of dead trees permitted, so it is making it harder on smaller land owners.
Nice 8 hour day with timbertamp today. fair amount of variety in both trees and what we did to them. Ran the rental lift out of battery and had to plug it in for the last 2 trees.

I'm bushed but it's a good to pick up some pizza for dinner...
trimed a silver maple over a house,removed two spruces both leaning over the house:|:
home owner payed me 1 and a half what I bid him.that don't happen ever day.
might of been one of the best days for georges lawn and tree.:D
getting ready to put a pizza in the oven know after reading your post fiddler sounds like a good idea!
Mine hit the spot...put away 1/2 of an 18 incher. :)

Customer was so happy with our work they even paid for the tire that was blown on the chipper this morning ($53)...paid in cash before we left too, which is always nice.
It must be pizza night. Sounds good to me too. Very cool Sawman, you must've really impressed the guy. You're right, it doesn't happen often, but it's sure nice when it does. Same with the pine here Stephen, can't hardly give it away even if you deliver it to the mill.
Cold day on the lake today.
Beaver gave up trying to fell this poplar, which spared the cottage it was fixing to whack

Had a long day on dead ash removals. Started off easy enough and finished the first job in no time. Then Jason surprised me with a job that I was told previously would require a third person. Felled the loaded the last spar in the dark. Got home and the wife had ordered pizza for dinner. It was awful good.
Knocked out a back burnered cable and prune on a blue oak today and took a cedar down next door to him. Made bank in 5 hours and went home. Lady with the cedar wanted the chips ;)
Chipped a bunch of laurel from my homestead, then did a tight, but easy enough three birch removal in a cluster in a small side yard. Chipped 4 recycle cans worth of limbs, rolling them a short, easy distance to dump in a garden bed for the HOs to spread tomorrow. An easy job, contacted from my truck being in Target's parking lot.

Might make mushroom growing logs from the trunk wood. None over 10-12" diameter. Thinking of selling them at a Winter Craft Fair, with some Swedish fire candles/ logs. Make some a lot of contacts in the community for tree work, and maybe meet some ladies, too.
Sean, maybe if you pre drill the logs for mushrooms you will attract a more lively crowd. I'm just looking for things for you to do in your spare time to stay out of trouble.