For those of you that are into landscaping...


Oct 30, 2008
Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
Some of you, like myself, enjoy landscape design and installation as supplementary business. I have come across a great product which I am currently using in a few of my projects. Its called 'Bender Board.'

Its made from recycled plastic, so there is a kind of pat yourself on the back mentality to it, plus its great to work with. Unlike the crappy ubiquitous black plastic edging, this stuff is tough (so tough it takes me a solid minute to saw thru a 4" section with my gomtaro) and is also used in concrete forming.

I don't sell the stuff (to anyone other than my landscape clients that is), just thought there might be a few guys out there that might like to see it. Its also made in BC, which is A-OK in my books.
Not too bad, they have obviously come down a bit from when I used them. Then again, they often charge way more up here for shat I can get way cheaper elsewhere. Captive audience and all that what not.