First comp tips??

I'm in TN now, wish I had the time to stick around and watch the comp but , headed back to Cali. this evening and back to the grind wed morning.
Watch the other competitors, dont be afraid to ask questions, learn as much as you can.

Dont try out any new tricks in the comp, especially in the AR event. If you see any cool new ideas, file them away for next time and practise them inbetween comps.

Most of all, have fun!
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  • #28
Tip #1 You should be footlocking EVERYTHING right now.

Tip #2 For the AR put a micro pulley above the dummies friction hitch, and attatch it to yourself with a short sling. This will allow you a free hand as you and the dummy decend (all you have to do is tend your own hitch). Its basic but should get you some points without overcomplicating things too much.

Thanks Boston. Jesse still has access to all the gear from the KY comp, including the AR dummy. So sometime next week were going to set him up and practice AR, along with setting up a work climb with some bells and running through it.

As for footlocking, I'm really working towards it. Today starts a workout program, including hanging a rope inside and practicing my locks.
As for points - for speed events you would need to be with in tenths of seconds to score - in Ky the winners were in the 19's - so anything slower - no points, So attempt to do them but remember you will not get any points. AR and work climb - finish as much as you can as you get points for each station, ie - assement of the site and tree. getting into the tree - getting to the climber. timing out is not an issue as you do not lose points, you just do not get any. be safe and do well and ENJOY.

Check that age limit as in Ky the limit was 18. to be a tech or a competitor. some people just did not know the ages of some people.
As for footlocking, I'm really working towards it. Today starts a workout program, including hanging a rope inside and practicing my locks.

Don't work towards it, just do it. It's not that hard. My 12 year old daughter can footlock, so can you... but you have to DO IT. Wear tennis shoes, not clunky boots and point your toes DOWN the second your top foot goes on.

Once you get it down, you're gonna wonder why you thought it was so hard.
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  • #31
Tennis shoes, now there's an idea!! I always wondered why I could do it with those on, but struggled in the boots. Hard to believe something like that would make a difference.
I don't wear boots climbing unless I'm spiking, light hikers rock for tree climbing cuz the rubber is usually grippy... Vibram ain't very grippy and boot heels usually have too big of a gap.

I think low tops might be out for comps though (check the book, I can't remember), so you'll need hi-tops.

Put on yer sneaks and go rock some rope.
How long until-

I have a few guys going for their TW cert in a month and their all jazzed. I asked one of them how he felt and said he felt good. I asked him what would he do if Mike had a heart attack 40' up a palm. So now we have a safety meeting topic tomorrow and 'one' the guys are interested in. Seems like the WCISA would be on this and wonder how it may affect TW certs.:)
Ranger, I haven't competed, BUT I have judged. One thing the judges watch closely is that the climber does climb higher than their TIP. Remember they are watching from the ground in some of the events, what is happening up in the tree looks different than from the ground.

I believe the rule on footwear is that it MUST cover the ANKLE! I don't have the NEW rule book, but thats what it said last year.

TCCs, Like the others have said, are a GREAT learning ground, keep an open mind, climb at YOUR pace and comfort level, AND most of all HAVE FUN!
I don't know if you can pick the order in which you can do the events, but if you can get in the group that does the work climb first you will be good and fresh and hopefully you'll score good. The work climb was always my next to last event. I was so tired after doing the footlock, AR and the speedclimb that I never did all that good in the highest scoring event. Throwline was always my last event my darn arms were so tired I had a hard time throwing the weight let alone hitting the highest target. Always close but never enough except for one year I was able to get two lines installed. Lucked out.

In AR use a backpack to carry your rope up with you as you footlock up. Have your hitch out and clipped to your saddle where you can get at it quick I can't remember if you need to find a crotch, or you can work off the prussik cord or you need to slip hitch a caribiner for threading your climbing line to be able to work. Either way with the backpack and the hitch ready to go it saves precious time. If you get far enough to be able to get to the dummy be prepared that dummy is dead weight and heavy and akward to move around even though it is suspended. I was happy if I could get the dummy down to the ground and forget the theatrics show.

In the footlock a Kleimheist worked good for me and was the most popular knot. You don't have to use the rope that is provided. If you have a rope that you like for footlocking you can install it, but you have to reinstall the house rope. I never did it but I did see some guys do it.

If you don't make time in the work climb, don't be disappointed. I never realized till I was timer one year how many people don't even come close to completing the work climb. Much better to work on form and technique.

Have good breakfast on comp day but not too heavy, a sandwich and chocolate bars worked for me as the day progressed and some asprin for my joints. Couple days before the comp I would devour carmel apples.

I wished I had gotten into the comps much earlier than I did. I always thought I was never good enough. I finally signed up even though I was past my prime as a climber. The short time I was in it I was the old man in the crowd but I did better than some of the younger guys.

Hope this helps you out a little Ranger.
I was involved in gear check the night before our chapter tcc last weekend, footwear that covered the ankle was needed, the little badge for safety compliance (CSA) was expected but it looks like it wasnt a be all end all thing.
in the work climb etc, ask for your time regularly and make sure you finish, as in get down and get your gear out, some will time out and if its a tough tree, getting down and getting points is better than timing out.
thats corrrect OT. Masters is the only one you have to pull all your gear.
no arguement. Except rescue climb, where many feel the climber needs to unclip as well even tho all the judges I asked said no, its only the dummy that needs to be inclipped to stop the clock. :)
It is amazing how many conflicting instructions from judges and competitors could be eliminated if they would read and could understand the rules.:|:
Found it on the Petzl site, couldn't make the subtitles work but some very nice camera angles and climbing are showcased.

<object width="480" height="270"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="480" height="270" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="">Treeclimbing euro championships - Elagage chpts d'Europe</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="">Petzl-pro</a>. - <a target="_self" href="">Check out more sports and extreme sports videos.</a></i>