Bar question


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
You know that little circlular cut-out toward the tip of most larger bars (say 20" or larger) which still has the circle of metal within the cut-out, and it usually stays stuck in place where it belongs for the life of the bar but once in awhile you get a bar and that little circle of metal falls out and then you've got a bar with a hole punched thru it near the tip and that hole fills up instantly with sawdust in every cut you make and causes the bar to get a little bound up? Why is that hole there and when that circle of metal falls out and leaves a hole, what are the options for filling the hole?

Much thanks for your input.
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  • #3
Wish I had a pic, I think they are on most every bar.

Btw, it is near the tip, like in the tip 1/4 or the bar, but its not in the tip.
The hole that looks like you could use it to hand the bar on a nail?

I reckon some epoxy resin or something should do the trick
They do fall out.
No big deal
I've never noticed it made any difference, and we go through quite a few bars a year.
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  • #14
Thank you for all the replies and input.

Sean's picture of the windsor bar nailed it, the hole (filled) is shown there. When I'm cutting anything with some width to it, say 16" and up (using the 24" bar), the hole fills with saw chips and it binds the bar somewhat in the kerf. As soon as the hole fills up it feels like you might have just hit some dirt etc cuz the bar starts to move with difficulty in the kerf, pull the bar out, clean the hole and then it cuts fine again.

I guess I'll try to plug it with epoxy. Pita!
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  • #16
Rails are good, bar has little wear. Its the hole I tell ya.
Cory, by the way, getting that pic was just going to Google Images, typing in what I wanted to see, clicking an image, clicking "visit this page" (possibly), then using the mouse to highlight the address bar, right click to Copy, coming over here to the treehouse in a different internet tab, right clicking in the Reply box and clicking "paste".

A couple clicks and pictures of anything at your fingertips...

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  • #18
Ive never done that, good info, thanks!
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  • #20
But how do I get that image straight up in the post, so you don't have to click on the highlighted text, you would just see a picture of a saw bar?
Copy the page URL, then wrap image tags around it.


If you quote this post you can see how it's done.
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  • #22

I think its there as a Tooling mark. Probably some kind of jig or machine uses that hole for a ref, mark. Im just guessing though.