I think it can seem kinda intimidating to post. Seems like this site is a tight group and to me it feels like I am interrupting a private conversation if I post.
Jeff , no apostrophes.

It seems to me that people get welcomed here in a cordial way, and there is interest in what they have to say. Whatever suits you, but just the way things go on a practical level, if you mainly post one short sentence every now and then, it isn't the best for integrating with other people and getting to know each other. It would be the same in daily life out on the street, if you barely open your mouth to speak. It often requires a bit of effort to make friends wherever you are, at least after about the fourth grade. :lol: Also, commenting about other folks various situations, not just about your own, is a positive thing, and one of the great attributes of the treehouse.
I can understand what Jeff means. When I joined Aussies were not too popular around here but I had a good look around first and decided I'd stay.

I posted a few things for a while and felt like I was talking to myself, but I was really surprised to find out later that a lot of people had actually been reading my posts and liked some of the stuff I had posted.8)
Well one of them found out a bit late that ranting and raving on multiple forums leaves you pretty lonely in the end.

Actually I bumped this thread because things are a bit quiet and maybe get a few ideas how we could get some more people to post a bit, a lot of old members look in nearly every day but don't post now.

I know a few with young families don't have time, and that's cool. So is spending time with your wife and family, don't waste your time on forums and facebook at the risk of losing them.:)

Other than that, any ideas?
I dunno I felt welcome here at the House when I first started posting and that is why I barely post on other sites anymore.
Yeah, I'm the problem, Jeff, you nailed it. I wonder where the closest confessional is? Take a joke, my friend. :)
The good qualities of the house run deep. It may not be so readily apparent with just a quick view. If folks give the place more a chance instead of bailing out quickly, likely they will be glad that they stuck around.
Jeff wanted a Like Button here once.

Seeing as we are so mean and nasty maybe we should be the first forum to have a Dislike button as well.:tongue3: