

Aug 16, 2008
I gave Scott some computer advice on some problems that he was having, and then I received a short note that he couldn't open his browser. :wall: I expected to hear from him by now. Hope he is ok.
I don't know what happened. I switched to using Chrome after Safari kept acting stupid. It did fine for prolly two months, then this morning, it locked up 3 times. I mean locked up.....usually on the Mac, you can press OPTION/COMMAND/ESC buttons and force quit whatever program you're running. But not when Chrome locks up. No sir. It takes powering it down to do anything.

Seems to be fine now. I googled it this morning, and it seems lots of folks have been having this problem. Something with Google and their updates or somesuch. O've gotta take this one to my sister's and let it update. I've put it off til I don't have the bandwidth to update it without going over my monthly quota.
It actually isn't that bad once you get used to it. I bought this one from my mother a while back. My HP got to where it wouldn't do hardly anything without locking up.
This one has not been near the hassle my HP was. It's cost was around $1500 if I'm not mistaken.....2 or 3 HPs for that money!
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I haven't had any issues with my mac besides the previous one that caught in fire. I mean I guess it was on fire for awhile because it sure sent out a lot of smoke. Oddly, it wouldn't boot up after that.