Rajan it's a simple procedure removing a fuse from under the hood in the control wiring to disable the operator prescence cutter wheel brake. Only thing is I don't know which fuse it is because my 252 is a 2003 model without that feature. Be easy to figure out though.
When I bought my 252 new in 2003 I ran it for the first 2 years before I figured out I could make it work faster by pulling the auto sweep fuse. What a difference that made. The faster cutting action was alot harder on the cutter wheel's bearings and belts making more maintenence but the extra profit grinding stumps by the inch far outweighed the extra costs.
The best money job I had with my little Vermeer SC 252 was a few years ago when I ground out 500 willows stumps for our government owned hydro company. Stone free river delta ground, no cleanup, charged by the inch diameter. Took the 252 a total of 57 hrs averaging $400 an hour making just shy of $23,000. Without a single tooth change.
Those jobs only come once in a lifetime
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