Our main winch line is Dyneema (5/16 Amsteel), we had to add some length of rigging line with the backyard ones hence the rocket shots... The ones in the front didnt do that, way less entertaining.
I dont know why Mike chose to use a Hitchclimber, I suggested using something different but I guess he uses that one for rigging...

Aluminum carabiners are pretty much the norm for us, we use some of the ISC Big Dan's which I really like but I only have one personally and it was already in use for the 2nd redi...
It wasnt anything special but it was definitely a step forward in my editing and production, combining the different shots to tell a story: Objective, rigging, power up botton, winch handle, drum spinning, taut winch line, etc... I make the videos as more of a hobby than a demonstration of anything 'groundbreaking'...
Thanks for giving feedback, and of course for checking it out!