Puget Sound Regional TCC


Sep 1, 2010
Olympia, WA
Just wanted to let people know that there will be a TCC in Sylvester Park in Olympia on May 21st.

An opportunity to see some different climbing styles and meet some other tree folks. Maybe a reason to check out the unique place that is Olympia, too.
I think I was invited to judge that a few weeks back. Would be fun but too much going on and then going up a couple weeks later
I should check out our regional, I helped last year and will again this year if I can spare the time. Its fun. The Chapter TCC is bigger and better, doubt that I will get to help in Portland next year, its the ITCC and I am sure will be popular with volunteers.
uhm, PNW chapter does. I got my PNW Trees 'magazine' Friday and it lists Coeur d'Alene, no specific building though, I guess you got me there.
If it's that close I couldn't not go. Shoulda went to Seattle a few years back.