Powered eSATA to eSATA Adapter


Young man on the go
Mar 6, 2005
Mechanically this should be so simple; yet I cannot seem to string together the correct combination of terms to yield what I'm looking for on a Google search.

I need an externally powered adapter that will provide power for an eSATA cable on one side (to connect to the hdd) and another eSATA port on the other side to connect to the device I'm interfacing with. I have to plug into the device with an eSATA connection for it to work.

Another way of saying this is the device I'm connecting to doesn't have a powered eSATA port, and the hard drive doesn't have provision for getting power outside of its SATA connection. I have a USB adapter for it that allows external power (obviously), but the SATA/eSATA adapter/cable doesn't offer that provision.

Does anyone know of such a product? Worse case I can DIY, but it seems like that shouldn't be required.

FWIW, the device is my Direct TV HD DVR, the HDD is a GoFlex 3TB Seagate .

If this makes no sense to you, don't fret, I wasn't talking to you. :P
Would this work? It might be backward from what you need, though. From what I understand, you have a SATA port on your DVR and both SATA and USB ports on your hard drive? This device would require you to use the USB port instead of the SATA.
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I don't need to convert to USB, I need to stay with SATA connections.

The DVR has an eSATA unpowered port, the hdd has a SATA port. I have an adapater to make the SATA into an eSATA, but I need a powered eSATA port to make it work.

I sent Seagate an email; I might have to DIY afterall.
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Yeah, it's looking like I'll be building it myself. That site does have something I hadn't found yet, a SATA type 1 to eSATA II cable. I'm going to see if I can pick the stuff up in town, if not I'll probably be ordering from that site. Thanks for the link.

It's exceptionally easy, I can't fathom why Seagate doesn't offer it.
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Haven't heard back from Seagate, but I ordered the parts required to get it working, they should be here tomorrow. (Under $20 delivered)
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I messed up and ordered a male SATA power plug. The female will be here tomorrow, but there's no reason this shouldn't work. The two cables cost ~$12.

1x SATA to eSATA data cable, female/female
1x Female SATA power cable.

SATA data= 7 pins
SATA power= 15 pins
If you're given a choice, why would you NOT order a female? Sheesh, I just don't understand this younger generation.