One Hella Shotgun!


Administrator Emeritus
Mar 6, 2005
If I'm lying, I'm dying. Check it out!

I like the Art of Manliness site. But that gun is a little silly. Give me a backpack /bug out bag and a .44 carbine any day.
Holding up a liquor store with that thing for what's in the till and a couple of bottles of JD, would be going a bit overboard.
If he'd only thought to include a small cordless air compressor and a few tire plugs, it would even be beneficial while traveling. Funny that he listed buckshot as useful for turkey hunting. I can't take it seriously either.

"Hey Carl, my 200's pinched.....put the blade on my shotgun and send it up so's I can cut it loose!"
I like the Art of Manliness site. But that gun is a little silly. Give me a backpack /bug out bag and a .44 carbine any day.

Make mine a .45 or something in .223/5.56 NATO, but I'm with Ed.

It's too impractical. The balance is off with all of that mess mounted on the front, extra weight of stuff that could go in a pouch,etc. Now granted I do agree with the idea of a paracord sling and that a pump-action being dead-nuts simple... point and click interface and all, but sometimes, these EOTWAWKIAIFF folks tend to almost over-think stuff. The more complex and convoluted you make things, the more likely failure is bound to happen.

Opinion-wise, I think that a semi-auto in 12ga(Saiga would be a first choice) would do better overall... no where near as much felt recoil(action helps in absorbing it), easier to follow up with a second or third shot, and lets face it, 12Ga is practically available at everyplace from most Walmarts, to any backwoods lodge, to Winfree's Tobacco and Guns.
That's sharp, Ed. I like the looks of that rig. I wouldn't consider it a survival weapon though, unless I meant surviving a firefight. That's what struck me as funny about the article posted above. It's like the guy wanted to build the ultimate survival weapon without describing what it was he wanted to survive. In many situations, a handgun is far superior to a scattergun. You can't stick that Mosssberg in your waistband or a shoulder holster. In a close-quarter firefight, I would prefer a pistol wearing a laser sight. If it's the end of the world, a rifle would be far superior at collecting game. Maybe there is no such thing as an ultimate survival weapon. So I'd need a collection of various models....:D
Thats why I would choose a good underlever pistol cartridge carbine. In 357 or 44 its plenty good enough for game, and no having to carry different types of ammo.
Yeah, I know what you mean. My brother-in-law has a Marlin 1894 in .357 Magnum that I have been trying to buy for years. Sweet little rifle.

As to "survival", I generally picture "living off the land", for which a .22 magnum would be hard to beat. Perfect for small game, with careful placement, adequate for deer, etc, and accurate to ~150 yards if needed to defend oneself against two-legged predators. Several handguns to choose from in .22 mag, so you could have a revolver and rifle in the same caliber, and you can easily stuff a couple hundred rounds of ammo in a pocket.