Mystery Shrub

LOL repeat after me.... MADBuckV

opposite paired buds usually =
Buckey (Aesculus
and ?

Indeed, I go Dogwood, just trying to share an acronym that seems to hold true amigo. Dont go all UBC on me or I will have to call the Curator, I am leading a walk with him at Riverview Hospital in a couple weeks. #namedrop
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I don't believe it is either a dogwood or a viburnum...and thank you very much I have heard the mad buck acronym. What, you think I'm a noobie? This shrub is the bane of my existence! I've actually told clients that it is a variety of mockorange. Now I will tell those clients that I was wrong, and give them my new and improved business cards and hope they don't hate me! I think I've found a winner.

Deutzia parviflora mayhaps?

Mystery Shrub answered Deutzia.jpg
Deutzia x kalmiiflora.jpg