

Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
I tried to go to the old TreeHouse site to hunt up a thread where we compared the 200T with the 200 rear handle...and got the new Treehouse site, even though the web addy I used is for the old :?.

What's up? Did I miss news of a change? Probably :|:
Butch probably figured since nobody went to the old site for a week straight then he could eliminate it or something. His complete lack of appreciation for forum history bothers me, but it is his show. :(
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I dunno, still seems to be taking me to a second version of the new vBulletin-based TreeHouse. I hate computers, sometimes. I was trying to post a screen print so you could see what I mean, but no love. Damn thing.
The contract with Inmotion expired and I said good riddance to those fools. Remember what they did to us? What, was I supposed to keep paying them to host a corrupt forum that nary (and I checked daily) no one visited? I think nyet.

And it took ya'll long enough to notice, ha. It's been nigh on four fortnights.
Yup, that year's worth of posts is absolutely worthless to everybody here. Doesn't mean a damn thing to anybody. Why even bother having a forum where our posts are saved? Just turn it into a chatroom where everything disappears once it drops off the bottom of the page.

And I noticed a couple weeks ago but didn't say anything because I'm always the first to say something. It was still up about 3 weeks ago.
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I can see you not wanting to pay, Butch. Donations can only go so far, I have no idea.

What I cannot see is you're not understanding the value of what's lost to many of us...or caring, either.

But this is ground we've covered before, it is what it is, 'nuff said I reckon.
Remember, this is the same guy who actually DELETED every post over a month old back when we were having server issues. All of that history was recovered only because some of us jumped his shit and immediately sent in enough money to buy the new vBulletin license and hosting fees for this domain. After all that, he still turns around and deletes a year's worth of history without mentioning it to anybody? The more I think about this, the more pissed off I get.

But it's not my website. I have offered pretty much unconditional financial support to maintain this place but every damn time Butch deletes crap without saying a word. :X
The host claimed you were using up too much memory or bandwidth (whichever is the correct terminology). I also recall that you did NOT delete any of the thousands of pictures in the random picture thread, which are fun to look at once but don't hold any real historical value. That one thread would have been equal in bandwidth to a year's worth of text history.

I guess you forgot that I'm the one who insisted on resolving the issue and sent you half the money that day? And had others onboard to cover the other half by the next morning?
Well this explains my dilemma a few days ago, I used to go there quite often.

It was working for me up until last week because I posted a link to it and it did work.

If it's gone it's gone, guess we'll live without it.:(
There is alway's a way to take the old data in to the new forum.
I tried to discuss this when you went back on here. How many forums is it now 4-5?
Even though you jump back and forth on servers and hosts, different softwares etc You don't have to loose one post!
Not one. You still can if you have back ups saved.
I know it isn't of interest to all, but for me it is very important.
One of the few things I really agree with Brian, perhaps.

History create a sence of belonging, I have been a member here and there is my posts!
A hole bunch of posts lost now and then isn't the end of the world, but it does matter to some.