Making Rope Wrench ZK-1 Midline Attachable?

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Nov 1, 2013
Is there still a place to buy the pin online? THis is for the ZK-1 original Rope Wrench (not the ZK-2). THanks!
Is there still a place to buy the pin online? THis is for the ZK-1 original Rope Wrench (not the ZK-2). THanks!

Hey 802! My name is Tim. I purchased a Rope Wrench ZK-1 from SherrillTree for about $80 a while back, in their discontinued items section. I had the same issue you're having with finding it hard to locate a provider. Eventually, I found a company out in California called Bishop Company, or Bishco, that sold the correct SLIC (Self Locking Implanted Cotter) pin. I ended up ordering a few of them, but after the first one depleted their stock, the other two were on back order for awhile. I ordered a bunch of stuff from them, namely hitch cords of various sizes and makes, and maybe a pulley or two, all just to get up over (I think) a $100 order amount so that I could get free shipping.

Now, I have absolutely nothing bad to say about BishCo. The quality of their products and service was really terrific. The thing is, I live along the east coast, so California is a long way to have to ship something. Imagine my surprise when my back ordered SLIC pins arrived, still in the package provided by the company that BishCo went to as BishCo's supplier. It was ABR, a company right here on the east coast, and whom I believe have developed a reputation for producing high quality Rope Wrench tethers. And ABR sells it to us at the same price they'd sell it to BishCo, I'd guess. I have no problem with BishCo marking the product up enough to make a profit, they're a great company in my experience, and I'd like to see them succeed. But it's possible to buy it for less money and closer to home from ABR. I would also recommend entertaining the idea of spending $20 instead of $5 to get the quick release pin with the button in the middle. It makes it a lot easier to get it off and on. Just remember to make a tether for it so you don't drop it if you pull it all the way out. I'll try to leave links below for the various items I've been talking about.

OK, I just searched through BishCo's website for the old SLIC pins for the ZK-1, and it appears that they no longer sell them, as far as I can tell. They're selling the new Rope Wrench now. So ABR might be the only supplier left. I tried going directly to the manufacturer's website once or twice, but they are really set up only for dealing with companies who want something manufactured in large quantities.

Also, I purchased one of the center pin quick-release pins from Fastenal. I wasn't sure of the length I'd need to make it work, so I ordered two different lengths, and only the longer of the two would work. With ABR, you have the advantage of seeing an actual photograph taken with the pin inserted into the Rope Wrench ZK-1. The diameter of any pin that will be able to work with the ZK-1 is 5/16ths of an inch, I believe. I hope some of this helps, if nobody else has already beaten me to the punch. (I'm a slow typist.)

I went back into ABR's website a few minutes ago, just to double-check their location, and it turns out they're in Indianapolis, Indiana. I think that's where TreeStuff is located, too, which would help explain why ABR's products are so well represented at It's possible that ABR itself has a larger catalog of its own products available on its own website than TreeStuff decides to offer on its website.

Best of luck to you.
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The reach on the ZK-1 is 7/8". If the reach is 7/8" on the ZK-2 pin, then it would be possible to use the ZK-2 pin on the ZK-1, as long as you drill the pin hole out to the larger dia. of the ZK-2 pin dia. on the body of the ZK-1.
It is quite easy to drill our the zk1 hole for the zk2 pin and actually works a bit better really. Tree stuff should have both sized pins. ABR shares a roof with treestuff.