
Apr 25, 2008
Lexington, KY
Posting here for anyone on the house that plans on coming down to the KY TCC in Lexington, KY. I know Wagnaw talked about coming up. Anyone else??
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October 3rd. Would be awesome if you could make it and bring a Wraptor along!!

Or the next best thing, possibly send a demo Wraptor my way if you can't make it!!! I'd be more than happy to set up a demo area for ya!
I've got friends there and a road trip about that time sounds nice. I'll have to run this one by the War Dept.
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Less then 17 days to go. Who from the house is coming??

PCTREE, are you going to make it?? We could really use a Wraptor on the Master's tree!!
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Well, only a few days to go. Tomorrow is a go for set up, as is Friday. Hopefully we can get a lot done tomorrow, while everything is nice and dry:D

Hoping it doesn't rain too much Friday. From what I hear just scattered showers, no serious thunder storms.

I'll be at Ashland around 4 tomorrow(after school of course), Jesse's plan is too work till dark. Friday I hope to be around all day, as we're having an easy day in school, with a concert and some other things that will allow me to skip.

Plus, it all counts as service hours for a school project. So something for school does come out of it all:)
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Thanks man! I only wish Dave(chairman for the event) did more to advertise it to the public. Dad and I were talking about how he should be telling the papers, and local news stations. There's an early morning news guy who does a special on something new every day. Would have been great to have him come to the set up or something and do a special on it. So many people around here don't realize good tree practices, and this would have been a great time to check it out and for people to get some education.

Plus, were having it on the historic Henry Clay Estate, and great place to check out if you get the time.
Thanks man! I only wish Dave(chairman for the event) did more to advertise it to the public. Dad and I were talking about how he should be telling the papers, and local news stations. There's an early morning news guy who does a special on something new every day. Would have been great to have him come to the set up or something and do a special on it. So many people around here don't realize good tree practices, and this would have been a great time to check it out and for people to get some education.

Plus, were having it on the historic Henry Clay Estate, and great place to check out if you get the time.
Well then get on the phone man; don't say too bad someone else did not do it when you can!

Boy Scouts, garden clubs...
