Husky 372 end of it

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Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
... thought the news last year that the 372's will eventually have microshit control. Hmmmm , well after a trip to the Saw Shop today I find Husky's newest trick is no more 372's available new in North America starting next year and that's all folks. Sad , was probably their top performance "big" saw. I'm going to buy one new this summer even though not necessary at this time. Parts will still be available and much like my 335 and 338's I prefer them to the new models and rebuild when the time comes.
The 372's on the shelf for the last 5 years suck IMO. I have one that I took off the truck and it sits in the shop because I hate running it. Takes 5-6 pulls to start all the time and even with the compression release it snaps the starter handle back on me. I found myself dogging out my 200T on big cuts instead of running the bigger saw because I didn't want to start it.

As for the computer controlled saws, I love my new MS462. You have to wait 10-15 seconds when firing it up cold to let the computer figure out the tuning, but then you're off to the races.
I want to try a 572xp but I am going to wait a year or two so they can work out the bugs before I buy.
Yah the 372,390 and 395xp are WSL and the 241c,441c and 461 are going away also unfortunately ... 462c is a slayer with a 20” bar
I want to try a 572xp but I am going to wait a year or two so they can work out the bugs before I buy.

Ive been running the 572 chip saw for idk 5years. Basically no issues. It is what a 372 used to be. Old 372 were legend, but yeah the last 5+years of them are hard starting junk.
Been having good success with the 540XP and 550XP, so it would be nice to try out a 572XP, but we are still hovering on the thought of switching to Stihl for the plentitude of service options in our area. Funny on the 372XP front: we have two and one is a raging workhorse, starts well. The other is ported and exhibits the symptoms Brian describes, very hard to start esp. on cold days. Should be a screamer, but it's really more of a dud.
The MS462 is the logical replacement, but don't bitch about the much higher entry fee. Keep it in perspective by knowing the difference in price is less than an hour's worth of revenue from the crew but the saw will serve you for many years.
Electronic engine control has worked well with automobiles but I don't think they have all the bugs out on small engines .Fresh air blow down was an option to meet EPA regulations like the 441 and 201T Stihls .What few times I've operated them I'm less than impressed .I don't make a living with a chainsaw so it will never affect me .If I ever own one it will be a freebie and something to tinker with .I don't foresee that in the near future .
We have over 1000 hours on each of the MS462s that we own ( 5 of them).

No bugs so far, except for the handle heating.
Not a husqvarna guy by any means (though I do have a ported 395xp) The 372 X-Torq is not highly thought of by many builders for several reasons ... I refer to them as X-turds - the predecessor was a superior Saw imho