Got to get fit fast , racing march 7th .

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Rockclimber/ treeclimber
Aug 5, 2005
Well im never around anymore im sure yall love that .:|:
Anyhow ive taken to racing quads at the rip old age of 45 - im young for my age i think.
I dunno and who cares anyhow .
I spent 26 years rockclimbing and grew tired of it , wanted to try something different .
I always liked speed so i took to riding quads .
Long story short - i rode about alot of miles since 2008 ( about 20k) and everyone said i was really fast , i heard stories like hes the fastest ive seen and so forth.
All that was just BS as my peer group was not racers .
So i went through 3 bikes , and got me some miles .
I met a really fast rider who does alot of dangerous hill climbing .I learned alot .

So the urge hit to race - i went to a race and got second place , i race U2 .
Thats basically a 4 wheel drive sport quad , its not a really really hard class because not many race in it .
Anyhow i didnt see the point, at my age , to run the local races .
The locals are way easier - on march 7 im supposed to head to florida for my first GNCC race . A GNCC is the hardest enduro race in the world - its where it hurts .
Im good enough , my first race i passed guys who had won entire series with ease. Well not with ease but with fitness and balls .
All the racers talk about how hard it is to hang on and how you need to train your forarms - well i dont get to pumped because i been hanging on forever .

Here is where it gets tricky - i got bit by my a cat three weeks ago and have been sick as a dog :D No seriously - i stayed in bed two weeks . I contracted walking phenmonia in bed , how odd since i was not walking :lol:
Its true im just trying to keep this boring story fun.
Well im almost better now - so i lost so much strength and pretty much feel really bad .
Im not sick anymore im just off ya know . Like imagine laying in bed for two weeks with a fever and coughing and shivering -how would you feel - I never lost my appetite LOL so i actually gained weight even with that low grade fever that was extremly persistant and knarly poops i had .I ate like a horse and pooped water but i gained 8 pounds - its been three weeks now sinche ive walked more than a quater mile .

It has been aweful but im not complaining im alive and im better .

Now i need to do one thing - i got to get in better shape by march 7.
I also have to ride alot even though its cold out - risking it - my lungs could still be weak , however they say walking pnemonia is bacterial and once its gone its gone .

What would you guys suggest ?

I need total off the top of your head advice - im eating well ok .
Im using a stationary bike as of today .
Got some weights handy .
Im real real weak - but i have got to train and get strong fast - befor this stupid cat bit me i was really strong and i was riding very fast - perhaps fast enough to get 5th or 6th place im hoping to be 10th or better .
Another thing i have the bikes - man i invested alot to have a certain level of quad .
Still got a few minor things , that never ends .

In order to finish first - you must first finish .

That statment is so true at this level thats why i need three quads built to the gills -

Then i got so sick and so discouraged ive had days when i just say man you are to old and you are stupid , re coup the money and put it into the buisness .

Another part of me says this is it for you buddy - this is your last chance ever to try a new sport and be anywhere near decent at it .

I want to get fit . I need to do this thing .
Any advice fellow tree fellows ?
Can it be done ?
Can i go from feeling like shit to a feeling race ready by march 7th ?
Any thoughts or advice appreciated .
Just work on increasing your cardio, then your resistance training.

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eat some shrooms and go practice.............

jus kidding, your a madman Jer
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  • #8
worked out

Well i could just do 25 push ups , so pathetic .
Tread milled 30 mins .
Sit ups etc etc .
so weak --- if it dont come back soon i wont do anygood .
I could have done 100 push ups befor getting sick .
I might change plans and just ride everysingle day like a race .
Thats would proably make me even better and then cross train alittle bit if im not to sore.
Yall are the crazy ones .

Send umm some titty bar passes - these guy are serious man .
Trust me that wont work .
They are real serious and real meen to and fast .
I've been liking messing around with an exercise/ balance ball. Its different, and works your core a lot, without crunches/ sit-ups, or you can do crunches while your low back is well supported.

Good back traction after work by laying on my stomach on the ball and relaxing my back.
I thought I was the only one that did this.

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  • #11
Cant see the pic...
What ive learned - its really hard to keep fit at 45 .
You work work work and you get fit so thats great , but in three weeks you lose 6 months .
Im going to the tread mill now ...
Thanks canadian climber - im doing burpees along with some cross fit stuff .
Just sucks to have been so close and be shot down i was looking at calender - i started getting bad closer to 5 weeks ago .
Dec 1 i was already lethargic and with low grade fever . So other thing ive learned -
Dont get bit by cat .I really think thats where is all started . Im pretty sure being so wek led to other things .
Good news is its seems to finally be gone .
Ok tred mill here i come .
Tomorrow will be four weeks since I ripped my bicep, so I know exactly what you mean about losing condition through inactivity. I look and feel more like an office slug than a treeman lately.
You're an interesting fellow to say the least...

What model quad are you racing? Around here the only quads raced are 2wd on motocross tracks. Its mostly the folks that couldnt hang on dirtbikes until you get to upper level quad racing around here.

Never heard of any type of cross countries or such on four wheelers round here.
Exercise alone doesn't get muscle back.
Increase the percentage of protein in your diet to help rebuild the lost muscle-mass. And make sure you're drinking at the minimum eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day, as the excess protein plays with your kidney function.

Watch that you are getting plenty of Omega 3/6 and other essential fatty acids in your daily intake (think fish, olive oil, and almonds for example). If you don't already, get your five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Don't over-eat, but slowly increase to your intake level where you were when you were competing full bore. Six small meals a day is better than three large meals.
Avoid the donuts, anything else deep fat fried, and avoid alcohol except one glass of red wine, but even that only if taken with a complete meal that includes fresh fruits and vegetables. (Okay, being realistic: once a week reward yourself with a few beers; the calories will help you bulk up the lost weight.)

Exercise breaks down muscle so it is a balance you're looking for:
A few heavy exercise days requires a day of light exercise (minimal-resistance spinning on the stationary bike or a nice long walk).

Listen to your body. If your inner voice is saying you aren't ready, don't push it. Secondary injuries due to advancing your exercise regimen prematurely will just set you back further. You know how dangerous 4 wheeler racing is and your life isn't worth not being in top shape going into it, even training rides.

Remember, you are two months out. As you continue to recover you'll start feeling better and more like yourself. Just compare how you feel today to two weeks ago.
As you get back in the saddle you'll 'feel' when it is right to go for it and start pushing again.
"Mentally" you're ready to haul ass again or you wouldn't be asking.
Just be careful not to start pushing yourself before you're "physically" ready.

*The above is opinion and can not be construed as or relied upon as medical advice. After a serious blood-borne illness consulting your physician to get cleared before heavy exercise is a must (as a licensed RN I must include this disclaimer according to my insurance company, sorry if it's a bit clinical)

Good luck and what channel do we get to watch the races on?
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  • #15
Best Post ever Pigwot.
Im doing alot of what you said man , very good advice .
I went riding forst time today - there is where the real workout is.
Im wasted , not drinking just physically.