freeze plug removal

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Tree Hugger
Mar 6, 2005
Oxford, Connecticut
I am finally getting around to putting the block heater in the chipper.

Whats the best way to get the freeze plug out? I was going to drill a hole in the middle and insert a screw, then be creative.

Any better ideas?

I don't have a slide hammer.
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Assuming there is no lip, can I just tap the corner with a punch, turning it perpendicular in the hole then pull it out with plyers?
I'd give the dealer a heads up so he doesn't try to come back and get you if you have a warranty claim.

Yeah, knock it in and grab it with pliers.
tap on one side and rip it out, carefully though so as not to lose it in the block
You can thump them sideways with a hammer and jerk them out with your trusty "water pump pliers " Usually the damned things on a vehicle engine are hiding behind the starter or something and you can't get to them .Much weeping and gnashing of teeth plus a few cuss words always helps .
Just make sure you got hold of the frost plug as soon as you get it turned and dont let go until you got it out.
i agree.i use a punch or 3/8 extension and hammer.i was down there thursday,i could have helped you then.
I go for years and never had to change a Welch plug on anything .Then low and behold two of them on the damned Caddy that is now in my front yard with a for sale sign on it .

Dumb azzes at the auto parts store gave me ones that didn't fit but the ones I had on hand for a 3 liter Ford V6 did .Go figure .:? Of course as luck would have it ,one plug was behind the dip stick tube of which of course I bent .Now in addition to new plugs it has a new tube .:what:
Well ,let me see,twenty years between pounding out plugs ,there might not be a next time . On the other hand as much old junk as I fiddle with ,you never know . I'll use the air chisel on the next one if that happens .