Clean saws!


Aug 16, 2008
Crazy priest brought me his 288XP, I usually see it every few months as a matter of course, mainly because he takes such bad care of it. It was running poorly, wouldn't accelerate worth a darn, and now and then wicked backfires through the carb. The diaphragms needed changing, but it didn't solve it. Here we go, I thought... Got an idea that it might be an ignition problem, and when I pulled off the flywheel cover, saw that the ignition contacts were so loaded up with grunge, that it must have been getting an uneven spark. I was happy to solve it with something so simple. Now, I must charge him for the diaphragms and advanced engine diagnosis! Throw in the cleaning for free...
Yup, clean saws are happy saws....

Which reminds me, I've got a no spark issue with an 020. Pretty sure its never been apart, my fist guess is the inside is all gacked up. I really hate opening one of those miserable things up to get at its guts.

Actually the 020T in my opinion is the most user friendly saw Stihl ever made .However if it is the original 020 Av it's the most user unfriendly .What a miserable SOB that thing is .