1950's Logging Safety Documentary

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My avatar is actually one of these old-time high lead climbers from that era, Finley Hays.

Those of you who know about Loggers World Magazine, know who Finley was. Definitely someone who I would have loved to have met.
Finley was a crack up. Never met him, but I read his stuff for years.

Dad was actually in Loggers World, in an issue from the mid 70s. He was a young buck cutting timber with Kenny Parnell. Kenny was the bullbuck for Christian if I remember it right.
Lotta work! Safety was mentioned numerous times. I'm thinking "That doesn't look very safe" :^D Very chaotic work environment. Looks like it to me anyway. I'm used to well groomed construction sites. Even when things are a mess, it's luxurious compared to moving logs off a hillside.