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  1. kevin bingham

    Stand Up Paddling,default,pd.html?src=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=1o3&scid=scplp428935&sc_intid=428935&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_o7NBRDgARIsAKvAgt3QsyImqxOSAXWa4ykJKT064t244FLLHpFE6K9IxW7x2Z1WPrpB9b8aAvgpEALw_wcB I like this...
  2. kevin bingham

    Stand Up Paddling

    went for the first time this weekend, had a wedding near Portsmouth NH. spent yesterday morning on a paddle board. It was amazing because it didn't seem hard while I was doing it, but today I have all kind of micro muscles sore and tired. Pretty great workout for all the neglected muscles. We...
  3. kevin bingham

    Stand Up Paddling

    Great picture!