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  1. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    Maybe true, I've never taken an English class in my life
  2. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    for every message I post, I have read about 10-20 others so yeah going off what you say, I should talk 5-10 times as much as I do... but I wont, waste of time, you guys only wanna hear what you want to hear and nothing but that
  3. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    exactly, nothing I do is as dangerous as people think it is, behind the scenes its all very well planned out and thought through I see lots of sketchy shit day to do, of course I do some, but I try to do it in a somewhat controlled manner, id like to never damage anything or anyone, but there is...
  4. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    never said only I could do them, I was just the only one that would do them anyone is capable of anything they want, these guys all said "no way" and I said "sounds like a fun challenge" yeah thats why we stopped, I can see decent at night but I wont work once the sun goes past the horizon...
  5. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    just a few hundred, even if I only did one tree per week for these 4 years, thats still around 200 trees if we account for taking some weeks off around the holidays, during peak busy season we are 4-6 days a week, 1 to 10 trees per day, we can average 30 trees per week, which is a lot after...
  6. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    how long ago was may? ive done a LOT of crane work since then, 20 or 30 full 10-12 hour days, some jobs where the crane operator shut us down because it was getting dark on us
  7. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    I dont give a frig what you believe it happened, I had the bruises to prove it, and had 4 people watch it happen nothing I post here is made up edit, you must think I fell on the choppy bit, no, I landed on the air filter cover, choppy bit in the ground, banged me up some but nothing too bad...
  8. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    im not bragging myself up in any ways, if I was doing that do you think I would talk about my mistakes? imagine if you will, you wake up and say to yourself "im gonna sound like the bestest tree guy today and im gonna look like im so good at this I can do no wrong" you wouldnt then post...
  9. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    on a horizontal limb, you make a level cut, then intersect with a vertical ish cut close to the trunk, basically cuts a limb off and leaves a "shelf" for it to sit on while the climber gets out of the way and the crane takes it away
  10. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    pretty much, does that scare you?
  11. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    im 18, ive been doing this since I was 14, professionally since 16, ive got about 250 hours under the crane, and about 3000 hours in a tree id I had to guess, never had an insurance claim or hospital worthy injury, ive done a couple hundred trees that nobody else had the balls to touch and yes...
  12. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    I dont know where you got 16 year old from lol im not lying about my experience, you got upset with me because I said Europeans do things right? I you assume im lying, im not, im not saying I have any more experience than anyone, im not bragging, im just trying to share my work and maybe you...
  13. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    I do not think I'm "cutting edge" or anything You know how they say pictures are worth a thousand words? Being there in person is worth way more, the book only works for textbook scenarios, anything beyond that and the book will get you killed I've never been hurt doing stuff my way, but have...
  14. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    no, she says "I knew not to raise no bucket truck operator"
  15. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    you must think I wonder why, I don't, you old guys just don't like the new generation doing the same work you do, unlike what you told your kids, its not uphill both ways unlike this argument you are trying to start as my mom would say: "suck it up buttercup"
  16. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    the video pretty much shows it, put the sling perpendicular to where you are going to cut so as to put the most force into rotating and snapping the cut, do a snap cut, leaving enough wood to hold just the amount the crane is "off by", say it needs 1000 pounds of tension but you guessed 1200...
  17. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    I do snap cuts for a few reasons, mainly the operator likes them, also I can get away from a piece before its comes off, if something were to go wrong it wouldnt matter if it was cut 100% off or a cut that I could break by hand, the crane knows no difference, the LMI reads the same, theres no...
  18. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    I do shelf cuts typically on limbs, snap cuts work great tho when needed, do the same thing but different Although no 2 cuts are ever the same, sometimes I just rip cut them, or shelf, snap, hinge around, tip tie and lift, whole bunch of options Typically use most all of these options in the...
  19. WoodCutr

    The anatomy of crane picks

    The snap cut doesn't shock load anything the way I do it, the owner of the crane company actually asks us to do it, it would shock load if you just ripped it off, but we cable down and back up and it breaks it nice and clean I'd be interested to see the equalizing sling, as of late I just do...