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  1. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    No screens here.
  2. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    Al's idea has merit. And I don't mind needing a scrench cuz I like to clean the air filter when I refuel. Frig those new caps. It outta be an option.
  3. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    It would be amazing if they would go back to the original. Freaking amazing!
  4. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    Somebody go bump my "New Caps" thread at AS, lol!
  5. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    That's just the fuselage, nergo!
  6. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    Anyone remember Jennes? He worked in a Stihl factory in Germany. I always wondered if he could pilfer his way to building a complete saw.
  7. MasterBlaster

    200t oiler

    I'd like to see the space shuttle blown apart like that.