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  1. treelooker

    Black Mulberry

    Peter I get it; talking to the owner might be a waste of time so maybe just email the pic with an estimate for reduction, and let them figure it out. Good luck with the cuttings!
  2. treelooker

    Black Mulberry completely removed 2 big lower limbs, and left that top with THAT attachment as it was? No worries??? The customer is usually wrong. Potential worries include: lever arm, loss of mass damping, wood dysfunction and dryness from massive wounding, trunk failure, injuries, lawsuit...
  3. treelooker

    Black Mulberry

    So the objective is to mitigate litter nuisance? You could start by replacing the lawn with a flower garden. :lichmalignus: Hey where's the "This thread is useless without pics!" smiley?
  4. treelooker

    Black Mulberry

    What's the objective for limb removal? Cuts >10 cm will rot. Better to meet client goals with smaller cuts further out, and conserve natural form.