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  1. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    FWIW it doesn't vibrate .Cuts just like normal round ground chisel only a tad smaller . Fact just for giggles I square filed a loop ,gave it the full blown race chain treatment .It got even faster .Now of course noone is going to go to those extremes on a working saw .I only did it just to see...
  2. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    The only chain I've ever square filed has been standard 3/8" which I consider to be a pain in the buttocks to do in itself let alone little tiny 3/8" lo-pro . Good grief after one "race" chain my fingers are so stiff the next morning I can't hardly bend them . With that I can certainly see why...
  3. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    I just haven't had the chance to go pester my dealer .Working the crazy hours I do ,I don't get off until 6 PM . Say although it would be very impratical I'll bet this stuff would just fly if it were square filed .Although you'd have to wait until it's about half worn out before you could get...
  4. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    Yea but ,perhaps that's true but nobody is going to take the time to refile round ground to square .Try it some time . Up in a tree most likely this round chisel will out cut semi ,a given .However just how much could be gained by taking the time to convert it to square . On a little 14" loop...
  5. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    Yes if you would pick me up a loop I'd appreciate it .
  6. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    It only takes about 5 minutes or so to file a 20" loop so at least for me a grinder wouldn't be beneficial for normal chain maintainance . A good wooden handle with some size to it helps the poor old fingers .Those little plastic handles are about worthless as teats on a boar .
  7. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    The only real reason I would care to have a grinder is for rocked chains . It's not that I rock them no more than I use a saw but Toms' bunch seems to .He runs mainly Stihl and that stuff while tough is also tough to unrock with a file . I know that the cost of chains is just an expense if you...
  8. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    50 it is .I checked it but then went to help Tom hook up some trailer lighting and just got back home .
  9. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    I know what you mean .I have one about 2 miles away I'll never walk in his shop again . I drive about 15 miles to another one .
  10. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    It's 50 thou .Whatever driver count a 14" Stihl bar is .I've got a little 12" .043 bar on the super bee but I think using Stihl chain in .050 it cuts about as fast as the Carlton on the skinny bar . I'll take a peek later on at the stocker 200T which has a 14" to get the count . The 12"...
  11. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    I have seriously given a grinder some thought for exactly that reason . Ha I'll con old Tom into buying one and leaving it here .I'll be the one operating it any way .
  12. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    FWIW I have 12-15 chains in the garage that hit iron that Tom gave me .Most are Stihl,some semi ,some chisel . The semi took just about as hard of a hit as did the chisel . It's going to take using the Dremel to revive them which I just haven't taken the time to do .It's not worth his time to...
  13. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    That little trick of a straight edge with a feeler gauge is one method used on race chain . Damned yard trees often contain metal,usually nails .However every so often you find a danged woods tree too .A couple years back my sawyer hit nails about 15 20 feet up from most likely an old deer...
  14. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    A lot of truth to that Willard .The top handles are like little Jack Russels .A lot of little bites instead of big bites.They do just great if you run them in the torque curve but they aren't Clydesdales .
  15. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    I don't fool with them either .Most times what few chain I order either come from Baileys or Amicks .Hell I can buy them 50 percent under what the locals sell them for anyway .Too bad they can't sell Stihl chain over the net ---legally:/:
  16. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    Well semi will take a lot more abuse than chisel, that's a known fact .If you run a saw long enough you will hit something also a known fact .Seldom though would you hit something up in a tree though .
  17. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    I doubt seriously if Stihl holds some type of patent on the stuff except maybe the kickback links .If there is a market one could about bet on Oregon having it soon .On the other hand with few exceptions little hot running trim type saws are built for the pro market so time will tell on the...
  18. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    Cincy is around 125 miles .
  19. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    Most if not all Stihl is a straight 90 over .I couldn't find the stuff at the shop when I went for parts .They'd never heard of it .
  20. Al Smith

    Picco 3/8LP round chisel cutter chain

    More than likely not long at all .Maybe without the ramped anti kick backs too . I wonder though unless you were boring with the saw would those ramps slow you much ? Then too just how much boring would a person do with a trim saw anyway ?