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  1. candoarms

    Rigging question

    Good signage is in the works. My new signs for the truck are being designed as I type this. Distance to work is less than a mile. I live 1/2 mile east of town on a 5 acre farmstead. And yep.....I usually end up with more work on the schedule after doing a job in town. The tree in...
  2. candoarms

    Rigging question

    La becasse, Part of the problem here is the home is located on Main Street.....and one of the most prominent homes in town. Secondly, the new owner has only been in the place for about a year. It's perfectly natural for the new owners to be defensive regarding the appearance of the place...
  3. candoarms

    Rigging question

    SouthSoundTree, That's all great advice, Sir, and something I'll remember when bidding future jobs. Joel
  4. candoarms

    Rigging question

    SouthSoundTree, I think it might help that the homeowner, in this case, is an insurance salesman.......but I don't know. I don't know whether or not price is the primary consideration. The homeowner has been pretty quiet about the whole thing. It's been rather difficult for me to make...
  5. candoarms

    Rigging question

    Squisher.. We're in the same boat. I can't charge too much because there are plenty of laid off farm hands looking for work this time of year. SouthSoundTree, The guys from Devils Lake run a quality business. No doubt about that. They have the equipment and the help to get the job done...
  6. candoarms

    Rigging question

    CurSedVoyce, I really like my Sterling Atlas 9/16' rigging rope. 100' of that can be stuffed in a ditty bag. Now you've got me thinking......hmmmm. Maybe something smaller yet? I like. Joel
  7. candoarms

    Rigging question

    CurSedVoyce, I spliced up a Pinto Rig Loopie from Tenex a couple of years ago. I never thought I'd use it much, but I use it now on nearly every climb I make. I agree...there's no such thing as having too much gear. I look forward to making up a few more neat things over the winter months...
  8. candoarms

    Rigging question

    SouthSoundTree, In the homeowner's eyes the job will be done to his specs, regardless of who gets the job. So I'm assuming that the homeowner's requirements will have to met by any contractor. That is, unless the other guys are far better at TELLING HIM HOW THINGS WILL BE DONE than I am. I'm...
  9. candoarms

    Rigging question

    Treebilly, Many years ago I took down a large cottonwood using a steel cable and a very large block mounted high in the tree. The block was held in place with a 3/8" logging chain. The pulley block I used at the time weighed in at about 40 pounds. I was a lot younger back then. I still...
  10. candoarms

    Rigging question

    Lots of good advice from everyone here, and I appreciate all of it. The yard offers plenty of drop zone area, but little in the way of exit area. The yard is entirely surrounded by hedges and a fence on three sides. There are no gates in the fence. There is only a 4' wide small opening in...
  11. candoarms

    Rigging question

    A picture of this tree was posted here a while back, but I can't find it now. Here's a view of the tree I'll be removing early next Spring. I'm looking forward to doing the job, but planning it out is 'priority one' right now. Joel
  12. candoarms

    Rigging question

    CurSedVoyce, OK....gaining a few ideas. Thanks guys. I'm thinking that I'll also need some additional long slings in order to place a block for a redirect, somewhere just above the porty. I have a 3/4" Tenex whoopie sling. I've never used it in a tree to secure an arborist block at...
  13. candoarms

    Rigging question

    Mick, I could do that too, but I'll likely never need all of those heavy duty slings again......maybe. Hmmm...possibilities here. I was thinking maybe a steel plate with three holes in it. A hole on each end for the ratchet strap hooks. A hole at the top for a rigging which...
  14. candoarms

    Rigging question

    Thanks fellas. Yep...a tree this size will make a guy cuss out loud at the porti....I'm sure of it.......but it's all I've got. I've never had to deal with a tree of this size......until now. Work begins in the Spring, so I have time to upgrade before then. The picture in post #6...
  15. candoarms

    Rigging question

    I have a rigging question that may seem silly to many members here, but you'll have to forgive me for asking, as I have never come across this situation before. The problem here is that I have a tree to remove which is larger than any tree I've ever tackled before. A measurement of the...