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  1. Che

    The Garden Thread

    I have a compost pile where I just throw things, never turn. It will eventually compost, but slower. Better is the sunken garbage cans with red worms: Take a plastic 30 gallon can, drill a bunch of 1" holes in the bottom and up the sides and sink it up to the handles or a bit under where...
  2. Che

    The Garden Thread

    When I'm serious about the strawberries (next year), I will put netting over them. I am a bit 'gun shy' though. I remember when my kids were very small (and I was very new to all this) I had left the netting out to the side of the strawberry bed. I was picking it up to put away and I found...
  3. Che

    The Garden Thread

    This strawberry patch is just starting, they did eat some of the leaves, but I'm just in it for the runners this time around. The beans...'nother story. I was going to plant the second batch today anyway, guess I'll plant more than I was going to. IF it dries up a bit, that it. (I think it...
  4. Che

    The Garden Thread

    my tomatoes are doing well.....but the damned rabbits have eaten my strawberries (!) and about 1/4 of the little bean seedlings. But it's too wet to really get out there to do much about it.
  5. Che

    The Garden Thread

    No, I end up with just about enough....what I don't use goes into the compost. I can the beans in quart jars, and they usually just make it through the year til the fresh ones are ready. Not this year though, stringing was hard last fall (hands.) I grow only THREE plants of the slicing...
  6. Che

    The Garden Thread

    Finally dried up enough to get into the garden. I transplanted a couple dozen 'volunteer' Honeoye strawberries that have been growing in the daylilies. Used the free mulch I got from the city last week and filled up the kids' old sandbox. I mulched the whole thing with pine straw. Since...
  7. Che

    The Garden Thread

    Willie, your garden looks great. Can you go ahead and lay a soaker hose through it now while it's easy? when my kids were little I planted a ring of the tall sunflowers, grew beans at the base so they climbed up and made a little 'room'. Sounded and looked great....but.....turns out that the...
  8. Che

    The Garden Thread

    Here's one from last summer. Beans on the vertical cattle panels. Moonflowers on the fence in front. I won't be doing that again, it's been a pain pulling them off the fence now.
  9. Che

    The Garden Thread

    I'm sure they're happier there than here, Brian....I just put another log into the woodstove. They're about 4" tall here too, Paul. It's a good time to 'inventory', I can see what's there before they've all grown together. I'm going to grow 1/2 runner green beans on an old swing set this...
  10. Che

    The Garden Thread

    I"ve got tomatoes sprouting in the laundry room. Honeoye (sp?) strawberries I first planted 15 years ago, just have a few plants left...I'm going to put them in a raised bed (the kids' old sandbox.) and........daylilies. sooooooo many daylilies. Last week was perfect summerlike weather, I...