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  1. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    i think comp would cover a guy, oops he was new... to the company, our bad
  2. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    jay, if someone wanted to work here , i'd let them, i dont know how to go after the visa for entry, but i'll put any travelers to work, papered or not... .i got a new guy im trying out, he came from one of my main competitors...he's tired of their crap good removal guy... but if somone wanted...
  3. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    we dont act like a company too much, its simple we are a team, and we have an objective and thats it, i only pull the whole boss attitude when i have to tell someone every f ing thing step by step over and over like groundie may have blown my chip truck up when he got stuck in...
  4. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Bill well he's about 8 hrs maybe 10 from me, i am 4 hrs north of frisco send him my number b4 i drive to the border and fill my truck with fresh over the fence workers, maybe ill go to the river and bring some towells...ha..sorry this is frustrating MB ive had a few leads...but you know...
  5. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    hey no bs arguments here please... we re looking for a climber on the tree house not tree buzz, argue someplace else like the buzz
  6. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    well theres whinning and then theres charlie sheen.....WINNING!!!!! had to be done
  7. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    if the lazy guy can find the dump and not let the cows out when doing it, thats why i dump, the old farmers let me dump anytime of day or night, as long as i dont screw anything up, if i do , pretty much can kiss all the farmers spots good bye they are great though, dump at 8 at night 6 in...
  8. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    i learned to just work a little harder and a little longer than the crew each day an hour b4 an hour after, and sometimes alternate lunches
  9. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    funny it must be a midwest thing, i had a foreman answer the phone and walk away in the middle of a rope down, no big deal, just a log on a rope now un attended just a whole in a roof i had i here texting when pulling a top for me, rope went slack, looked he's 1 handing the phone and 1 handing...
  10. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    wife called me and said just left the job didnt you.....yes 5 mins ago........oh well your driver/ crew leader in on fb..and didnt answer when she asked if the stumps were all done. told him ill can hi ass if it happens again, its stealing, time, which equals money...
  11. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    bump bump, i need someone to climb while i go to the dump i really could use a hand that doesnt sign into facebook 3 mins after i leave the site.
  12. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    it'd be cool to have a climber from afar come visit
  13. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    and the lord said" blessed is he, who works to support his fam-ilee":> right now it's take everything you can, and run it till its done, i should be going back to regular jobs that were all rolled back 1 to 2 weeks so wed i go back to normal....cant wait to see how i did in the end.. still...
  14. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    keep me posted, i'm up to my ass in work at the moment...big removals, and lots of pruning work ive been on since the 14th without a day off yet, and tomorrow is big removal day
  15. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    ok im booked up for at least 3 weeks i'd pay a grand a week no problem for a good ctw 4 g a month there may be the odd week thats not full, but i seem to be keeping busy
  16. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    i'd take an exchange arborist from japan any day had billy from england here once
  17. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    oh yeah 3 bed house is 1200 a month here but gas is 4.15 a gallon
  18. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    deva i'm trying to keep it to 4 g a month or less, because it'll cost damn near 7 grand after comp and taxes i ve thought about the job fairs, ive got an ad on the isa site, and have thought of the ad in the tcia rag you'd think it was easy to attract talent here but its hard, and everyone...
  19. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    here any ot, bonus ,etc is hit with wcomp i do give turkey day and x mas gift cards to the safeway to provide the holiday meal. I stopped taking the crew to lunch when they forgot to say thank you and expected it same with the cases of gator aid, when i started finding lots of halfers in the...
  20. thattreeguy

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    yeah ive realized why my old boss called me "the last great white hope" so since youngster are hard to find, i'm thinking of someone who balances out my weaknesses and can help share the workload, but realistically to pay more, i'd almost have to giva a fella a 1 percent share and then put...