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  1. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Well said Deva, now if Dave has one with a valid drivers license :/: :D :lol: Messing with ya Dave ;)
  2. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    If you were to drop those two things or at least discount them to being affordable, even temporarily...there in would be a small business stimulus package all in itself. JMO
  3. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    A dream employee for certain.....
  4. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    I would probably look for something that would be more like Forestry Management or the like and have the climbing education as just part of the deal :D
  5. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    I used to get Chinese exchange students in my kitchens.. They were already teachers and what not just extending their education. I had a couple of those "teachers" that at 60 years, could work circles around most 20 somethings. Maybe there could be some kind of educational exchange program he...
  6. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Dave.. Check your E mail. I sent you something from my addy. Might be worth looking into.
  7. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Unless they are a sasquatch mind you :/: :D
  8. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    And here I thought he was making it out like someone from Minnesota would appreciate the benefits of working in Humboldt :/:
  9. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Pretty much sounds like around CA too Brian. BTW... Our 35.00 per man hour landscaper went under over a year ago. We had two.. Now none. The last one went under last year. Now they come up from the valley and have bidding wars in spanish.
  10. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    :lol: Let me rephrase that ..... Yes it does contribute to the problem of low wages. But is not completely responsible.
  11. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Quite probably.... And WC. Most up here make min wage. You offer them 10.00 an hour to start and they about jump up and down. No illegals up here though. They are moving this way however.
  12. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    Amazing how one of the richest state (was anyway :lol: ) in the union and the worlds 7th largest (was anyway :lol: ) pays some of the worst wages. They really want wage slaves here. I live in a pretty impoverished area so hard to compare to like SF or LA... But jeeez.
  13. CurSedVoyce

    looking for lead climber/ crew leader

    $18.00 per is CA prevailing wage and Asplundh pays that also I believe up here. You will find it hard to get credentials for that kind of money IMO Dave. I top out at $17.50 for a grounds man that worked his way up with me. No climbing. Light saw duty.